Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Eggroll Ecstasy

IMG_3608 Today after work, we rushed over to Mom & Dad’s so I could help Mom make a special treat…homemade eggrolls.  Usually we only make them for a special occasion, like if they are requested for a birthday dinner.  But, we haven’t made them in so long that we were going to make them when Lexie & Jon were up here last weekend but we just never got to them.  So, Mom & I decided tonight was the night.  They are a lot of work, but it was a lot easier b/c Mom & I were working on them together and we make a great team in the kitchen.

IMG_3610We also made fried rice and I am super happy with how well everything turned out.  We had to make a few little changes to the recipe, so the updated one is on the recipe blog, here.  The best part is that the eggrolls are really good to eat cold the next day so I’ll get to have them for lunch.  We watched American Idol and Modern Family (even though it was a rerun).  Then it was time to go home and get Autumn to bed.

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