Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Just Like The Good Old Days

IMG_3585 This morning I left work at 10:45 and went to visit my old job.  It was lots of fun to be back on my old stomping ground even though things have changed a lot.  The real reason I went back was b/c I needed to use this folding machine.  My boss ordered over 500 colored picture flyers and I was folding them by hand, but I decided it was taking too long and that if I just used this machine it would be much faster.  I was right, b/c I was able to fold 400 of them in less than 5 minutes.  It was super slick.

IMG_3586Liz got her lunch break at 11:00, so we went to Amigo’s for lunch.  I LOVE that place b/c we got a ton of food for only $10 for both of us.  We had such a good time laughing and talking and catching up on what’s going on in each other’s lives.  When it came time to pay, I got out my debit card and set it on the table so the waiter would take it.  Well, he walked up to the table by Liz and she had her debit card out and put it in his shirt pocket and then patted his shirt.  We did our usual bantering back and forth of me telling him not to use her card b/c it will decline b/c she just got out of jail and has no money.  Since we were both trying to give him our cards, he started shaking his hips as if he were dancing for us.  Liz & I started laughing so hard.  It was hilarious.

We stopped at Target so I could get some envelopes to stuff all the folded fliers in and then I had to take her back to work.  It’s always a good time with Liz around.  I went back to work and watched a show online while I stuffed and stamped the envelopes.

After work, I stopped and got Autumn and we went over to Mom & Dad’s.  We had dinner and then watched The Biggest Loser.  I don’t know why they made such a big deal the first few episodes about who the “unknown” trainers were, b/c once they finally revealed who they were, I still didn’t know who they were.  I’d never heard of either of them.  And, I couldn’t believe that the twin brothers GAINED 9 pounds each.  So rotten of them and especially for them to stand up there and pretend like they don’t know what happened.

We finally packed up and headed home so I could get Autumn to bed.  Then I stayed up for a little bit and watched Golden Girls, b/c that show is so stinkin’ funny.

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