Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Temple Time

IMG_3588 Today at work it was slow again, so I worked on putting my blog from 2009 into a book in Blurb.  Back in December, I won a $250 gift certificate to Blurb on Lee Lou Blogs.  I finally got the certificate today and decided to get 2009 and 2010 ready to be printed off.  Thank you so much for the giveaway, Julie!

After work, I picked up Autumn and we went over to Mom & Dad’s house.  We ate dinner and then I left Autumn there so I could go to the temple.  I got there a little early so I could go to the bookstore and see if they have a book of activities I could use with my class in Primary.  They didn’t have it, so I’ll have to try and find it online.  I went to the Single Adult session, and I didn’t find my Prince Charming there, but it was still a nice session and I was glad I went.

IMG_3594The moon was so bright outside and looked really cool.  I got back to Mom & Dad’s and got Autumn and we came home and went to bed b/c it was getting late.  I love being in the celestial room b/c it’s so peaceful and quiet and bright and beautiful.  Since I was able to go once a month last year, I am going to try and go twice a month this year.

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