Friday, January 21, 2011

Lincoln Logs

IMG_1003 Not a whole lot happened today at work.  I got a new batch of flyers to fold, so I went and folded them at my old job and then Liz & I went to lunch.  We went to Chick-Fil-A and I told her I was paying and there were no questions about it.  After we ate, we went to Target b/c we both needed to get some things.  I had to get 500 envelopes and some more labels for all the flyers I have to mail out.  It was fun to hang out with Liz again and we always have a good time and laugh no matter where we go.

I went back to work and spent the rest of the afternoon stuffing and sealing and stamping envelopes.  I had Wipe Out on while I worked just to help the day go by faster.  Finally the day was over and I went and got Autumn and then we went over to Mom & Dad’s.  Lexie & Jon & Andrew came up to visit for the weekend and they walked in about 5 minutes after Autumn & I did.  Pam & Dave Thompson were here also with their 3 Chihuahuas and grandson.  We had Mom’s amazing spaghetti sauce w/ noodles and garlic bread for dinner.

After that we just sat around and talked while the kids played.  Mom found a bag of Lincoln logs at the thrift store for only $6.  Usually they’re a lot more than that b/c they’re nice wooden toys.  Jon helped Autumn & Andrew build a cabin out of them.  I was finally able to tear Autumn away from playing with Andrew around 9:30 so we could go home and get some sleep b/c we have a BIG day ahead of us tomorrow.

I, however, did not go to sleep until 12:30.  Once Autumn fell asleep, I decided to go through her boxes of toys and clean them out since we’ve got a bunch of little kids coming over tomorrow night and I don’t know what’s in her boxes of toys.  I didn’t want there to be little pieces they could choke on.  I ended up filling 2 big garbage bags full of toys that she doesn’t use anymore, and books that she doesn’t read, that I am going to take to Goodwill.  I didn’t intend for the project to take me so long, but it was nice to have done and it’s so nice to know that her room is completely organized.  I had to do it while she was asleep b/c otherwise she would see a toy she hasn’t played with in ages and all of a sudden that would be her new toy and she would be devastated that I was going to give it away.

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