Thursday, January 20, 2011

How Fast Can YOU Run?

IMG_3595 Today when we were done w/ work and school, we got over to Mom & Dad’s house and Mom said she had a present for Autumn. She found these size 13 tennis shoes for her at a Goodwill type store. They’re 2 sizes too big, but that’s good so she can grow into them.

IMG_3596 I asked her if these new shoes are going to help her run faster, and she just looked up at me and gave this look that says, “Of course, silly!” And b/c she was so excited about it, we had her run around the living room and sure enough, she could run faster. We had her try jumping, and by golly, she could jump higher. I think these shoes have some magical powers.

IMG_3597Mom said she also got some presents for me. She found these cute decorations for my front door at Hobby Lobby for 1/2 off. The Easter one was only $3.50, and it’s just too cute.

Poor Emma had surgery today. Her breath has been so stinky for the past year or so and we call her “sewer pipe breath” b/c it’s that bad. So, Mom decided to do something about it. A few weeks ago she looked into how much it would cost to have some of Emma’s teeth pulled b/c they were loose and rotten. So, today was the day and she went in this morning at 8:30 am and Mom was able to go pick her up at 4:00 pm. They said Emma did great (they had to put her under) and they took all but her 2 bottom canine (funny b/c she’s a dog) teeth. She was whimpering a little bit, but seems to be doing great otherwise. And, the good news is her stinky breath is all gone.

Autumn & I left and went home at 7:30 so we could take Nick some dinner and so he could watch her while I went Visiting Teaching. Karri & I were the only ones who showed up at 8:15 at On The Border, so we just sat and talked and ordered dessert. She is so much fun to talk to and be around. I got home and put Autumn to bed and then went to bed myself b/c I was tired.

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