Thursday, January 6, 2011

Pizza, Pazookie, & $1 Spot Finds

This morning I had a dentist appointment at 8:30 b/c my gums near the two crowns I had done in October were hurting super bad.  Well, it ends up that there was just a little bit of decay on the tooth next to my crown.  So, they did a filling and I was thrilled that it was only $78 instead of hundreds of dollars.

I went back to work and when the local anesthesia wore off, it was hurting SO BAD!  I took some Tylenol and that helped.  Because it has been so slow at work, I decided to try and read the Book of Mormon before February since our Stake President challenged us to do that a few months ago.  I am going to try and read 50 pages a day.  Today while I was reading, it made me wonder why the Lord had Lehi & his family leave years before Jerusalem was destroyed instead of just having them leave a few months or a few weeks before it was destroyed.

I think it was so that the Lord could test the faith of Lehi and his family.  It was their refiner’s fire to see if the 4 boys would go back and get the brass plates.  It was to see if Ishmael’s family would have enough faith to follow Lehi’s family out into the wilderness.  I think of all the lessons they learned while in the wilderness.  It just helps me remember that sometimes I may not know why the Lord asks me to do something, but He always has a reason and I just need to follow in faith.



Anyways, I decided that for dinner tonight Nick & Autumn & I would go out to eat b/c Mom had left us a little money before she left.  So, I let Nick decide between Napoli’s, Cheddars or BJ’s Brewhouse.  He picked BJ’s Brewhouse b/c he hadn’t been there before.  He really liked their root beer and we got a 10 inch deep dish pizza.  I was surprised at how little it was, but it filled us up b/c it’s so thick.  It was really tasty and we had to try a Pazookie, b/c Nate said they’re super good.  It’s a lot like the Cookie Monster at Cheddars, but the chocolate chips are gooier, which was super tasty.

IMG_0800 After eating, we went over to Target so I could get a frame for the picture I ordered.  I am NOT allowed to go over in the $1 Spot.  I always find good deals there and since they’re only $1 I buy more than I should.  I did, however, find some good things I actually needed.  Like this pink over-the-door hanger that I put in the laundry room so I have a place to hang all of my aprons.

IMG_0802 I also found all these cool stationary type things.  I have such a weakness for papers and pens and such.  So, I got the magazine holder, the pen holder (cup), file folders, clip board, and then they had the most adorable index cards.  I got them to use for writing recipes on to give away.  Or I can use them for thank you notes.  These make me so happy and I just love them.  I’m going to use the file folders and clip board at work.

IMG_0803After we got done at Target, we dropped Nick off at Mom & Dad’s and then came home.  It was only 7:00 so I watched Wipe Out and it was SO FUNNY!  I couldn’t stop laughing.  Autumn wanted to change into her navy dress and lay on the couch and watch her Barbie movie.  She also insisted that I cover her up w/ her Princess towel.

I was so happy b/c I got my David Bowman picture in the mail tonight and so I put it in the frame I got at Target right away.  I love it and it’s sitting on my dresser so I can have a daily reminder of my OLW for the year.  It was a good day.

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