Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tea For Two

IMG_0790 Today after work, Autumn & I stopped at the store so we could get a few groceries.  We went in to get Ginger Ale & wafer cookies for our tea party and ended up spending $60!  Yikes.  That’s why I always try to go to the store w/ a list so I just don’t buy what looks good at the time.  Anyways, we came home and I had started some creamy crock pot chicken before I left for work so we had that for dinner and it was so good.

After dinner, we had our little tea party.  We used the tea set that she got as a gift at a Christmas party.  But, there was a little hole along the bottom of the plastic tea pot and it started dripping ginger ale so we had to pour our “tea” really fast into our cups.

IMG_0793I taught Autumn how to hold up her pinkie finger while sipping her “tea”.  We had a really good time eating our wafers cookies and pretending to be proper ladies.  We even talked w/ our awesome British accents.  It was a lot of fun and something we’ll have to do more often.

After that, I told Autumn she was a “Stink Bug Johnson” and needed to take a bath.  She stayed in there for about 45 minutes just playing and having a good old time.  I finally made her get out after I washed her hair and put her to bed.  I watched the People’s Choice Awards (I love Queen Latifah b/c I wish I were her) and then called Mom and talked to her for a little while and then drifted off to sleep.

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