Monday, January 10, 2011

Thankful For Snowman Lady

IMG_0908 This morning we woke up and just had a nice and leisurely morning.  Autumn put her fancy church dress on as soon as she woke up.  Dad was so cute and sat down on the floor with her to do a puzzle.  It was funny to be a fly on the wall and listen to what they were talking about.

IMG_0911 I went outside to get some pictures of the snow in case it was warm today and all melted away.  As you can see from the ruler, we got almost 4 inches of snow!  That’s a lot for us here in Texas.

IMG_0912 I thought these bushes w/ red berries on them looked so pretty in contrast to the stark white snow.

IMG_0913 I also liked how these wisteria vines looked wrapped around the arch and covered in snow.  I had texted my boss right after I got up and asked if I could wait and come in at 10:30 once the roads had cleared up and he said that was fine.  I left Mom & Dad’s and went home and showered and got cleaned up and went into work.  The roads were nice and clear and not icy at all.

IMG_0922 Autumn was lucky and didn’t have to go to daycare b/c they were closed.  So she got to spend the whole day at Papa & Mimi’s house.  I left my camera so they could take pictures if they did anything fun.  Dad said Autumn was relentless in asking him to go outside to make a snowman.  He said that Autumn kept asking where the ladder was and he couldn’t figure out what on earth she was talking about.  Then she said she wanted to go up on the back hill and use the ladder and he realized she was talking about last year when we went sledding on a snow day and built a snowman so tall that we needed the ladder.  He was shocked that she remembered that so well from a year ago!

But, he & Nick didn’t want to climb the hill in the back, so they went out in the front yard and built a snowman lady.  Dad said it was a snowlady instead of a snowman b/c it had a dress.  He told Nick to put Autumn up on the top of the snowlady before they put the head on, and as you can see from the picture, she did NOT like it at all.

IMG_0934 When I got home from work, Autumn was wearing her “sparkly dress” (that’s what she calls it) and her pink cowgirl boots.  She was so tired and ornery b/c she didn’t take a nap today, so we left Mom & Dad’s at 7:00 and came home.  She fell asleep as soon as we pulled out of the driveway and I was hoping she would stay asleep when we got home, but she woke up when I was getting her out of the car and wanted to play for a while before going to sleep.

Before she got into bed, we were saying prayers and I’ve been trying to get her to think about what she wants to say instead of her just repeating what I tell her to say.  We always say we’re thankful for Pres. Monson, Papa & Mimi, etc.  So tonight after we said the few things we always do I asked her what she was thankful for so she can make her prayers more personal to her.  She thought for a moment and said, “Thank thee for the snowman lady.”  I was about to correct her and tell her she should just say, “snowlady” but I didn’t b/c I thought it was cute.  I finally put her to bed at 8:45 and Nick stayed with her while I went over to Christine’s so we could watch The Bachelor.

I LOVE getting together w/ Mary, Christine, Karri (and Melanie joined us tonight).  Christine had fresh-out-of-the-oven super ooey gooey brownies w/ ice cream and chocolate syrup for us to enjoy while we watched.  We would fast forward through the commercials and talk about how crazy Michelle, the girl from Salt Lake City, is and how we were going to scream if she said “it’s my birthday” one more time.  I really like Emily a lot (the one who’s fiance died in a race car accident and then she found out she was pregnant after he died) and hope she goes all the way to the end.  I’m also so glad that Brad got rid of the two drama girls.  I didn’t get home until 11:30, but it’s so worth staying up late to hang out w/ such fun ladies.

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