Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Good Food & Good TV

IMG_3684Not much happened today.  Although, it’s a lot easier to get Autumn to wake up in the morning when I tell her I need help making her lunch for college.  After work, we went over to Mom & Dad’s and had steak & asparagus for dinner.  Mom got a great deal on them.  I LOVE asparagus even though it makes your pee stink.  Autumn loves it too and ate 2 helpings of it.  I’m glad she like vegetables so much.  After dinner, we watched the Biggest Loser.  It’s such a good show and is so inspiring.  I wish I could be on that show just b/c it would be so life changing.

Dad cut up some strawberries and put honey on them for an after dinner treat and Autumn was right there to share in the treats.  Usually it goes 1 for me, 1 for you, 1 for me, 1 for you.  But when Autumn’s there it’s more like 3 for me, 1 for you, 3 for me, 1 for you.  She’s so funny b/c if she thought Papa was taking too many turns she would say, “Hey, what about me?"  After the Biggest Loser, we came home and I put Autumn to bed and then watched the last 1/2 of Parenthood.

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