Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl Sunday

IMG_1371 Today we had Stake Conference at 10:00, so we got up and got dressed and headed over to the Stake Center at 9:00 so we could get good seats.  I don’t know what came over me, but I let Nick drive us to church in his car (b/c I didn’t want to get the Durango dirty by driving it due to the sand all over the roads).  I was very proud of myself for not cursing when he drove.  We were able to sit  the padded pews, which was nice.  Liz & Liberty came and sat with us, which was a lot of fun.  Liberty drew Autumn a cool scary house b/c she asked him to draw one.  It was a broadcast from SLC where we got to hear form Elder Jensen of the Quorum of the 70, Sis. Dibb who is Pres. Monson’s daughter, Elder Ballard and then President Monson.  It was very uplifting and Autumn was a really good girl so I was actually able to listen.

We came home after it was over to change clothes and then went over to Mom & Dad’s.  We had the pre Super Bowl stuff on TV, but got tired of hearing them talk about the same thing for hours on end.  So, Nick & Uncle Stacy got out Uno and played a few rounds to pass the time.

IMG_1372 Last night I went to the new Super WalMart just down the street at 11:00 to get a few things we needed.  I got 2 Ken dolls for Autumn, b/c lately when she’s been playing w/ her dolls she has been saying that her Barbies are going to get married.  So, I figured it was time to get her a few Ken dolls.  She wanted me to play Barbies with her, so we did and had a fun time.  I remember when I was little, I could play Barbies for hours on end.  Now I’m not so good at playing make believe and pretend.  Those skills are more than a little rusty.

IMG_1375 Since the snow and ice has melted, Dad busted out the Corvette so he and Uncle Stacy could go for a ride.  Uncle Stacy said he really liked driving it.

IMG_1377 Dad asked me if I wanted to drive it.  He’s offered before, but I didn’t want to.  Autumn wanted to go for a ride, so I decided to try it out and drive her around the neighborhood.  It was actually a lot of fun to drive it.  It’s cool b/c when you are driving you can see at the bottom of the windshield how fast you are going.

IMG_1379 It was finally time for the Super Bowl, and Christine wanted to come over and watch it with us.  We were so happy to have her here.  During halftime, she and Dad got out their iphones and were playing Angry Birds the whole time.  Mom & I made steak & everything sandwiches, but that’s all we had.  We didn’t have our usual over the top Super Bowl spread, b/c we are trying to eat healthier.

IMG_1380It was a really good game and I’m glad the Steelers made a come back.  I’m sad they didn’t win just b/c of the tie Uncle Stacy has to Brett, but I’m happy for Aaron Rodgers and that he can get out of the shadow of Brett Favre.  It has been so much fun having Uncle Stacy here and I hope he’ll come back later on in the year so he can go to NASCAR out at Texas Motor Speedway.

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