Monday, February 7, 2011

Where In The World Is Jocey???

IMG_3630 It was actually nice to go into work today and be back on a normal schedule.  After work, Autumn & I went over to Mom & Dad’s so I could help Mom make deviled eggs to take over to the Monzingo’s.  Jocey is going to Uganda for 3 months as a service volunteer, so they threw a big going away party for her.  Maggie had maps all over the house that said, “Where In The World Is Jocey” with a push pin in the map where she will be.  I had no idea, but there is a lake the size of Ireland that borders Uganda.

IMG_3633 They had the yummiest spread of food.  There were warm & soft flour tortillas, homemade guacamole, homemade salsa, and the yummiest shredded roast.  I had 2 of them and was stuffed.

IMG_3634 We were just sitting at the kitchen table talking, when Anthony came downstairs.  A few months ago he was jumping over a fence and slipped and landed on his neck and broke it in the same place that Christopher Reeves broke his.  He was super lucky and isn’t paralyzed but has to wear this halo to keep his neck stabilized.  He came over to say hi and Mom FREAKED OUT!  She didn’t want to look at him b/c she said stuff like that freaks her out.  She doesn’t do well w/ blood and guts and gore and knowing that he has screws going into his skull.  He kept teasing her and she would close her eyes and beg him to go away.  He finally left her alone, but we all got a good laugh out of it.

IMG_3629 They had this huge Costco cake as well.  It was super yummy w/ a good cream filling in the middle.

IMG_3635Here are just a few of Jocey’s friends that were at the party to wish her well.  I hope she has a great time and has some incredible experiences.  We went back to Mom’s house to drop her off.  I drove since she was loopy b/c she had taken a muscle relaxant pill.  Her back was killing her and she could barely walk.  After we dropped her off, Autumn & I came home and I put her to bed.  Then I went over to Christine’s so we could watch The Bachelor.  Our little group is growing, which is fun, since now there are 7 of us that watch it together.  We had to stop it for a minute b/c one of Christine’s kids came in to say goodnight and said the floor behind her couch was really wet.  Sure enough, it was wet and we couldn’t ever find if it was a leak or if one of the kids had just spilled some water.  It was a great evening full of fun friends and fabulous food.

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