Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sweets, Sweets, & More Sweets

Today at work was a bit different than usual.  My bosses were out of town today and they needed me to pick up one of their sons and take him to college and drop him off and then pick him up.  So, after I dropped Autumn off at daycare I went over to their house and picked up Mitch and took him to college.  Then I went to work like normal and at 2:00 I went and picked him up.  Since I had to drop him off at home, and where they live is far from our office, my boss said I could just go home after dropping him off.

IMG_3638But, I didn’t go home.  I went and got Autumn and took her to the local County Health Clinic so she could get her next round of immunizations.  We had to wait for about 30 minutes, but finally got in to be seen.  They had to give her 5 different shots, 3 in one leg and 2 in the other.  I hadn’t told her what we were there for and when we went into the room she said, “I don’t want a breathing treatment.”  The nurse and I just looked at each other knowingly and I told her she doesn’t have to get a breathing treatment.  We set her up on the table and pulled her pants down and she realized what was happening.  I laid my arm across her tummy and talked to her while the nurse held her legs and gave her the shots.  Of course she started crying and freaking out and I told her we would go get cupcakes after her shots and asked her what color of cupcakes she wanted.  She was able to tell me through her tears.

I almost started crying, b/c I hate seeing her in pain even thought I know it’s for her own good.  Anyways, after her shots we went to the front desk to pay.  For some reason, they had my monthly income as only $400!!!  I quickly corrected that and was thrilled I only had to pay $50 for all of her shots.  When we first moved here and I got her immunizations done at the pediatrician’s, it was $700!  After we paid, we drove downtown to a cute cake place someone had told me about.  It was inside an old building and this was the original floor.  Isn’t that star cool?


IMG_3641Here’s the outside of the store w/ it’s cute striped awning.  They didn’t have anywhere to sit down inside the store, so Autumn & I walked down the street and found a bench to sit down at and eat our cupcake.  I opened the container and the cupcake was MASSIVE!  There was no way we were going to be able to eat that w/out a fork.  So, we packed it up and took it home to eat it.

IMG_3642While we were sitting on the bench, I looked up and noticed this really cool window that one of the buildings had.  Even though there’s that column of light on it, I thought it was neat and had to take a picture.


IMG_3643I noticed some more places today as we walked back to the car that I hadn’t noticed when Liz & Autumn & I were here a few weekends ago.  There was this little door that had 105 1/2 above it, which reminded me of Harry Potter.  I loved this spiral staircase outside of this quaint little bookstore.  Autumn & I are going to have to come here more often during the spring and summer b/c it’s such a fun place to check out.

IMG_3645 I am still obsessed w/ this cool building that I took pictures of when we were her a few weekends ago.  The exposed red brick w/ the tall windows, white cracks and Texas stars.

IMG_3646 I just can’t get enough of it.

IMG_3649 This is the old courthouse.

IMG_3650 While at the Cake Stand, I saw that they sold cake by the slice along w/ cupcakes.  So, I got this slice of cake that had Bavarian strawberry filling in the middle.  Look at how thick that layer of frosting around the cake is.  You can’t tell in this picture, but it is a HUGE slice of cake.  The cake was moist, the frosting was good, and the filling was light and fluffy.  It was good cake, but my favorite is still the Mexican vanilla cake from the Cake Plate.

IMG_3652 As if that weren’t enough sugar, the Quigley’s daughter-in-law had brought an entire pan of their to die for caramels over to Dad for looking at one of their girls who was sick.  Mom LOVES these caramels and looks forward to them every Christmas, but she can’t have them now b/c of her diabetes.  I guess it will up to Dad & Nick & Autumn & I to eat them.  Oh, darn.

IMG_3653 Dad was outside washing off his Corvette b/c it’s supposed to snow again tomorrow and his car was a little dirty from taking it out on the road w/ Uncle Stacy.  I’m glad he loves his car so much.

IMG_3654Mom got home from getting her nails done and grocery shopping.  We grilled hamburgers for dinner and had sautéed yellow squash and tater tots w/ pink sauce.  Autumn LOVED the tater tots and kept saying how they have those at her school.  Mom LOVED the pink sauce (just a mixture of 1/2 mayo and 1/2 ketchup) and couldn’t get enough of it.  We haven’t made it in a while and it really was good to put on the hamburgers and dip our tater tots in.

After we ate and got dinner cleaned up, we watched Secretariat, which Pam & Dave had bought for us when they were up here last week.  It’s a really good movie and we enjoyed watching it.  By this time, it was 9:00 and I needed to get stinker bug home and into bed.  We’re supposed to get ice and snow again tomorrow, so I don’t know if I’ll be going into work or not.  We got home and I put down the garage door and had just turned on the lights in the kitchen when all of a sudden Nick jumped up from behind the island and yelled out, “RAWR!”  It scared the crap out of me and I dropped the bag I was carrying and yelled a couple of times.  My heart was racing so fast and once I realized it was him and calmed down, I started laughing so hard.  I told him he only gets to scare me like that once every 10 years, so now he’s used up his one for this decade and has to wait 10 more years before he gets to do that again.

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