Monday, March 28, 2011

Bows, Baths, & Fortunes

P1020021 Today at about 3:15, Autumn’s college called and said that she woke up from her nap and had a little diarrhea and a fever of 101.  So, I called Dad (b/c Mom was getting her nails done and waiting for Emma’s at the groomers) and he went and picked her up for me.  When I got home, Mom said she was perfectly fine and didn’t have a fever and was acting totally normal.  Emma had these little bows on her ears from being at the groomers, but Emma doesn’t like them and kept scratching at them.  So, Mom took them off of Emma and then Autumn wanted to wear them so Mom put them in her bangs.  So funny!  Mom had asked Autumn if her bummy hurt from the diarrhea and if she wanted to take a bath just to sit and soak her bummy.  Autumn’s bummy didn’t really hurt her, but she heard the word bath and of course wanted to take one.

P1020027 On my way home, Mom had called and said she wasn’t going to cook and wanted me to stop and get something.  So, she called in an order to our favorite Vietnamese place and also had me stop and get Nick something at Panda Express b/c he only eats the meat and nothing else from the Vietnamese place.  It tasted so good and was so fresh and yummy.  This was my fortune in the cookie, which I thought was kind of fun so I of course had to take a picture just to see if anything fun really happens in 3 months from today.

We spent the rest of the evening just relaxing and watching Dancing With The Stars.  Before we knew it, it was 9:15 and since Autumn can’t go back to daycare for 24 hours b/c they said she had a fever, Mom told us to just spend the night since Autumn would be staying there all day tomorrow.  We slept in Nate’s room and fell right to sleep.

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