Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Get Me, Mama!

P1020029I had hoped that Autumn would sleep in, but she woke up when I got up to leave.  Luckily Dad was awake from having gone and taught seminary and he got her all settled on the couch watching Jake & The Neverland Pirates.  I gave her a huge hug and kiss and came home to get ready for work.  Autumn LOVED not having to go to school today, b/c she got to stay home w/ Mimi and get spoiled rotten.  They went to WalMart and bought Tangled b/c it came out on video today and Nick & Dad hadn’t seen it yet.  Plus, it’s a cute movie and one that we wanted to own.  She also got to go to McDonald’s for lunch.

I came home from work and Autumn wanted all my undivided attention.  I helped Mom make wanton salad for dinner and then after we ate, Autumn kept wanting me to chase her around the kitchen.  She kept saying, “Get me, Mama!”  I would chase her for a little bit and then she would want to go into Mom & Dad’s room to watch Dora.  She came out of the room one time wearing this big terry cloth robe.  She wanted to wear it while I chased her for some silly reason.  Between chasing her, Mom & I watched Secret Millionaire since we missed it on Sunday.  We also went back and forth between Dancing With the Stars and Biggest Loser.

Autumn started to have a melt down at 8:30, so I packed her up and we came home.  We did our nightly ritual of brushing teeth, going potty, saying prayers, and singing a song.  She was out like a light within 5 minutes.  I watched the end of Biggest Loser and then watched Parenthood.  It’s been cold drizzly here today so I made myself a cup of black cherry tea and enjoyed it in bed while blogging before drifting off to sleep.

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