Friday, March 11, 2011

Food & Fortunes

IMG_3795 Mom called while I was on my way home and said that she didn’t want to cook tonight and Dad was working, so she wanted to go out.  We went to her house and Nick met us there and we loaded up in the car and went to the new Chinese buffet place that opened up the street.  I even had a 10% off coupon, so we used that.  The food was really good and they had a HUGE variety.  The best part was the Hibachi grill where you made up a plate of raw veggies and meat and they would cook it on the hot griddle for you while you waited.  It was like Genghis Grill but w/a whole buffet included.  They had all the desserts and sweets displayed in this big boat looking thing.  It was pretty cool and definitely somewhere I would go again.

IMG_3797 This was in my fortune cookie and I was saying how that is exciting since I’m going to a big Single Adult conference next weekend.  Mom & Nick both said at the same time, “Or maybe it’s just talking about tomorrow when you’re going to hang out w/ Liz.”  We all laughed b/c they were thinking the same thing and said it at the same time.  We stopped by Liz & Liberty’s house to drop off some jeans that Mom had fixed for Liz.  They weren’t home, so we just left them on the porch and went to Mom & Dad’s house.

We spent the rest of the evening watching this Dateline type thing about a newlywed couple and how the wife drowned during a scuba trip at the Barrier Reef in Australia.  All the evidence pointed to the husband and finally after something like 3 years, he was put prison in Australia, but only served 1 1/2 yrs.  So now the State of Alabama is trying to put him on trial there so he has to serve a life sentence!  It’s so crazy that someone would kill their wife of only 11 days.  What would make someone do that?  Pretty scary.  Anyways, I didn’t realize it was already 10:00 so I packed Autumn up and we headed home to go to bed.

1 comment:

Jobi Niu said...

How was the single adult conference?
Your nails look cute! AS ALWAYS ;)