This morning I was able to get Autumn up and going for the day by telling her we were going to go get a treat for breakfast. We stopped and got Breakfast Jacks, which we both love. Just like yesterday, this picture doesn’t do the actual view any justice. But, the sun was streaking through different layers of clouds and was just beautiful.
The phones were actually pretty slow today, so I had Harry’s Law (the new law show w/ Kathy Bates) playing on my computer while I worked. I LOVE that show b/c it makes you think and it helps remind me of how lucky & blessed & privileged I am to have grown up in the family that I did. I always try to express my gratitude to my Heavenly Father and not take anything for granted. I also like that show b/c Kathy Bates reminds me of my Aunt Jeri.
After work, Mom called and told me to go pick up Autumn and then come meet her at Cheddar’s for dinner. I got my usual lemon pepper chicken w/ broccoli and carrots and Mom got her usual Asian Chicken salad. We sat and talked for a while and then Autumn was getting restless so we left.
I had mentioned that Bath & Body Works was having a sale on their wallflower refills and I wanted to get some to put in Nick’s room. Plus, I had a coupon for a free item w/ a $10 purchase. So, we went over to B&BW to check out what they had. Autumn wanted to try the lip gloss samples and Mimi was happy to oblige. We got some wall refills and Mom got some hand soap b/c it was on sale.
After that, we walked down to Fashion Bug to see what they had. Mom & I ended up getting matching dresses b/c they were so cute and slimming. Mom’s turning into a skinny minnie. Mom also got 2 new swimsuits and shoes for China. Autumn was SO well behaved while we shopped and had fun trying on the sample shoes. She’s such a diva.
Mom dropped us off back at our car and we came home and watched Annie. We only made it through 1/2 the show and I turned it off at 10:30 b/c I was so tired and just wanted to sleep. Autumn wasn’t too happy about that, but I didn’t care b/c I knew we both have a big day ahead of us tomorrow and need our sleep.
So glad you had fun shopping with mom!
Wish you could have joined us! It would have been twice as fun.
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