Thursday, March 17, 2011

Izbiri Pravo Pot

IMG_3829 This morning when I took Autumn to daycare, this is the view we saw. This picture doesn’t do it justice, but it was just breathtaking b/c it looked like someone had made a small tear in the clouds and the sun was shining through right behind this beautiful purple tree. I sniffled my way through work today and definitely need to get a box of Kleenex that has lotion in it. My poor nose is just raw.

IMG_3832 Anyways, after work I stopped and got Autumn & we went over to Mom & Dad’s and had dinner. Then I left Autumn there and went home to change clothes and drove down to the temple. I am LOVING daylight savings b/c it was 7:20 at night, but I was able to take these awesome pictures w/ out any flash. I love how these yellow flowers have streaks of red in them.

IMG_3838This dark purple flower looked so pretty amongst all the red tulips.

IMG_3839I had to get a picture of these tulips w/ the purple accents. The temple grounds were just gorgeous and I could have taken a lot more pictures, but I needed to go in and get changed. Pres. Packard, who used to be our home teacher and is now the temple president, talked to all the single adults before our session. He talked about how important this work is and how we need to slow down when we talk and really think about what we are saying b/c this is an important day for the people that we are doing the work for. It was great to hear what he had to say.

There were so many of us that we filled the biggest endowment room w/ only 3 empty seats. There were way more women than men there, like usual. I felt bad for the ladies sitting next to me, b/c something got stuck at the back of my throat and I coughed a lot. Oh, well. It was a good session and I am thankful I was able to be in the temple w/ other single adults from the area. I stopped at WalMart on the way home to get bread and jam for Autumn’s lunches and a few other things we needed.

IMG_3841I went out to check the mail when I got home, and there was a little package from Brenner. Inside were 2 rings that had IPP on them. It stands for Izbiri Pravo Pot, which is CTR in Slovene. There was also a sweet note from Brenner w/ some scribbles from Phebe. Autumn LOVES hers and put it on right away and wanted to wear it to bed. It was a great day and I’m thankful that I chose the right tonight and went to the temple.

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