Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tender Mercy Tuesday

IMG_3863 Today when we got done w/ work & school we went over to Mom & Dad’s…shocking, right?  LOL!  Anyways, when we got there Dad & Nick were doing yard work and Mom was sitting on the edge of the pool w/ her feet on the Shamu shelf while she cleaned leaves out of the pool.  She told me to come sit by her b/c the water was refreshing.  It is still FREEZING cold!  But, as you can tell Autumn didn’t mind and liked having her feet in the water.

IMG_3869We had veggies for dinner out on the patio.  We had red bell peppers, cucumbers, asparagus, and yellow squash.  It was so good and I wish we could have 2 months of this weather instead of just 2 weeks of it.  Usually we would have stayed and watched Biggest Loser, but I had to go to a meeting so we left early.  But, not before we stopped in the garden to see how the potatoes were growing.

IMG_3876 The wisteria are just so fragrant that we had to stop and literally smell the flowers.

IMG_3877We came home and had a pink cow, cut and painted Autumn’s fingernails, and watched Annie.  I had to leave for the Stake Single Adult meeting at 8:45.  Autumn did NOT want me to go and kept crying for me to stay.  It broke my heart a little bit, but in the end I was really glad that I went.

We had our meeting and then I was set apart as the Single Adult Communications Specialist.  Basically, I’ll be in charge of sending out emails about activities going on to make sure the Single Adults in our area know about them.  When Pres. Jones set me apart, it was the usual stuff of being magnified in my calling but then he said a few things that I knew were direct answers from my Heavenly Father.  He said that I would do well in my job and have enough to support my little family.  He blessed Autumn and that she would look up to me as a friend, which meant a lot that he knew her name.  He blessed me that I would know my worth and discover those talents which I have that are dormant right now, which was interesting since that was also said at the SA Conference on Saturday and it’s something that I’ve been thinking about a lot lately.  It seems others have so much talent whether it be that they can cut and style hair, write amazing blogs, take incredible pictures, make friends easily, dance really well, etc. 

What talents and qualities do I possess that make me special?  How could I do more to make a difference in the world?  What talents do I have that I’m not utilizing?  What great things could I do if I tapped into my true potential?

It was just some good for thought for me and I really appreciated the reminder that Heavenly Father is aware of me and my situation and knows me better than I know myself.  I got home and Autumn was still awake so I caved in and let her sleep in my bed (I usually try and get her to at least start out sleeping in her own bed even though she always ends up sleeping in my bed by the middle of the night).  I made sure to give her an extra big hug tonight.  I always ask her before we go to sleep, “Who is my greatest blessing?”  She gets a little sparkle in her eye and shyly and sweetly answers, “I am.”  I hope she knows that always and forever.

1 comment:

Desperately Seeking Gina said...

I'm sure you'll do great in your new calling. Like you, I often question what talents I possess...and it's so hard to not compare myself to what I see out there on the web!

Hope you have a great weekend :)