Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fun Visitors

Wednesday after work/school, we sat outside on the patio and talked for a while.  Mom had made yummy crock pot spaghetti for dinner and Aunt Sandy had come to stay for a few days and use Mom’s quilting machine.  We watched Survivor and part of Modern Family.  Before I knew it, it was already 9:30 so I brought Autumn home and we went to bed.

P1020002 Today we went to Mom & Dad’s house and Sis. Wright was there talking quilt stuff w/ Mom & Aunt Sandy.  Aunt Sandy had a hankerin’ for homemade guacamole and as we all know, you can’t deny a hankerin’.  It was really fresh and addicting.  I love each of these 3 women for different reasons, but they are all super talented and we had a great time sitting around and talking for a while.  Especially since Dad took Autumn & they went to Home Depot and then to get french fries.  I was able to sit and have an adult conversation w/out any interruptions.

P1020004 We were watching the BYU basketball game when Liz & Liberty came over to bring Mom a thank you card and some flower seeds to tell her thanks for fixing the zipper in a pair of Liz’s jeans.  While they were there, Ashley called to see if she could bring Avery over for us to watch him for a little bit until Curt got home from the store.  I said sure, b/c he’s a cutie pie.  He had just had a bath and smelled so good!  But, he had also just eaten and spit up all over himself and my pants.  Oh, well.  That’s just part of taking care of a baby.

P1020007Liz brought this fun treat for me.  They are sticker type things that you put on your fingernails or toenails.  I’m super excited to try them on my toes like she had on hers.  These cute flower ones are SOOO me!  We watched the BYU game which went into overtime and were sad that we lost, but it was a good game.  That was the first time I’ve seen Jimmer Fredette play and even though this wasn’t his best game (0/7 in the first 10 minutes of the game), he is a pretty amazing basketball player.  It was 9:30 before I knew it and I needed to get Autumn home to bed. 

I called Curt to see if he was home yet and he was, so I packed up Avery and all his stuff and loaded him and Autumn into the car and took Avery over to Curt.  It was a lot of work just to get the 2 kids and all their stuff out to the car.  Maybe I’m not as ready as I think I am to have 2 kids someday, and bless all you amazing Moms out there who have 2 or more.

P1020008Autumn & I got home and pulled into the garage and she told me to close my eyes so I could see the surprise that she & Papa had worked on.  Dad said these were left over shelves from the move to the new clinic and thought they would be nice for storage in the garage.  I know I say all the time how Autumn is so spoiled, but I am just as spoiled/lucky as she is.  My Mom & Dad are so good us and I honestly don’t think I could make it day to day w/ out their love and support and kindness.  I hope to someday pay that all forward to Autumn & my grandkids.

I put Autumn to bed and then watched some TV w/ Nick and then went and made my bed w/ fresh clean sheets from the dryer (Autumn peed the bed this morning so I had to wash my mattress pad and sheets again).  I read a few chapters in the Book of Mormon before going to bed and loved this line from Alma 60:24 which said, “begin to be up and doing”.  It reminded me of Grandma Johnson (and my Dad) and how Grandma was always “up and doing” something useful and productive.

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