Friday, March 25, 2011

Unusual Sightings

P1020009 Today at work it was really slow, so I watched some TV shows online to help the day go by faster.  I watched Harry’s Law, Grey’s Anatomy, Wipeout, and a few others.  I stopped and got Autumn from college and we had just pulled into the driveway at Mom & Dad’s house when we saw this coming up the driveway.  Dad had rented a trailer for the medical exam tables at the old clinic.  They wanted to get them out of the old clinic so they didn’t have to keep paying rent just to store them there.  So, we helped Dad unload the exam tables.

P1020011 Aunt Sandy & Autumn had fun relaxing on them.  It kind of looks like a fancy hotel w/ a pool side massage…I wish!  We had creamy chicken enchiladas for dinner and Mom & Aunt Sandy & I all worked together in the kitchen to get them ready and in the oven.  We were joking about how we would make good Sister Wives b/c of how fast we got dinner made and put on the table.  We sat down and ate together and then everyone split up to go their separate ways.  Aunt Sandy went home, Nick went home, Mom & Dad went to return the trailer, and Autumn & I went over to Karri’s house.

P1020014 We decided for visiting teaching this month that we would just have everyone over to Karri’s house for brownies and ice cream.  She told Lynne & I to bring our girls.  Autumn thought she had died & gone to heaven b/c she got to play w/ the older girls.  They were so cute w/ her and included her even when they went outside in the backyard to play hide & seek.  It was fun to all get together and just have a relaxing evening sitting in Karri’s front room talking about life and its challenges and trials and blessings.

IMG_1749Finally at 9:30, I decided I had to break away from all the fun and get Autumn home.  When I got her out to the car, she said she wanted some popcorn, so we ran by WalMart and got some kettle corn, grape soda (to make purple cows later on in the week), and ended up renting 2 movies from the Red Box.

We came home and popped our popcorn and watched Morning Glory (the one w/ Rachel McAdams and Harrison Ford where she works at a TV station).  It was good, but not one I would ever buy or go out of my way to see again.  It was too slow moving for me.  Autumn didn’t really watch the movie but had fun playing w/ her dolls and covering them up w/ dishtowels.  At the end of the movie, I looked over to see her snuggled up in her recliner chair fast asleep.  She finally wore herself out and fell asleep.  I went to pick her up and put her in her own bed, but she woke up and started crying and wanted to sleep in my bed.  It was a fun Friday.

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