Monday, April 11, 2011

And The Throw Up Countdown Resets

This morning I went to have some cereal for breakfast and the milk had gone sour.  We had about 10 extra minutes so Autumn & I went and got a Breakfast Jack for breakfast.  It’s funny b/c the lady that works there in the morning is super nice and bubbly and outgoing and Autumn likes me to roll down her window so she can wave at the lady and say hi to her.  I ate mine while driving Autumn to daycare and when we got out I noticed Autumn hadn’t eaten any of hers yet.  I took her in to college and told her to sit down at a table so she could eat her Breakfast Jack.  Work was fine and this might be TMI (too much information), but around lunch time I got the squirts pretty bad.  I didn’t think anything of it and was happy when it was time to leave for the day.  On the drive home though, my stomach started to hurt really bad and I started to feel really sick.

P1020138I stopped and got Autumn and we went over to Mom & Dad’s.  I felt so crappy that I just curled up in a ball on the love seat.  Autumn was outside w/ Dad playing on the fort and out in the garden so I told Nick to get my camera out of my purse and go take pictures since I couldn’t.  He took this nice one of the green garden starting to grow.

P1020139 I thought this was a cute one of Autumn holding a bunch of asparagus while Dad feeds her one.

P1020144Nick said she was walking around outside w/ this big long asparagus sticking out of her mouth.  She’s such a funny kid and how many 4 year olds do you know that will eat raw asparagus?  We had Mediterranean salad and fried potatoes for dinner, and even though my stomach was upset I ate quite a bit of salad b/c we had made so much and it won’t keep very long once you pour the dressing on the lettuce.

P1020148After we ate, I went and curled up on the love seat again and covered up w/ a blanket and we watched Dancing With the Stars.  Autumn had been following Rufio around all night and she disappeared for a little bit and then came out of the back room wearing Rufio’s little white jacket.  Grandma didn’t notice at first but when she did she said, “Hey!  Is that my jacket?”  I love the look on Autumn’s face here when she realized she’d been caught.

P1020151It was already 9:00 after DWTS was over and my stomach was really cramping and hurting bad, and I didn’t feel like driving so Autumn & I decided to spend the night at Mom & Dad’s house.  Rufio convinced me to drink a NASTY concoction of water, lemon juice and baking soda.  It fizzes up like Alka-Seltzer and I plugged my nose and drank it.  Not 2 minutes later I ran into the bathroom and leaned over the toilet and threw up 4 times.  I HATE throwing up and it makes me cry every time.  I think the last time I threw up was the night before I gave birth to Autumn.  So, I’ll have to reset the “last time I threw up” date.  I felt so much better after I threw up and drank a ginger ale to get the nasty throw up taste out of my mouth.  Dad let Autumn borrow a t-shirt to sleep in and we had family prayer.  Then Rufio was showing Dad some bump on her leg and it made me laugh b/c Autumn was all up in their business and wondering what was wrong w/ Grandma’s leg.

I’m hoping I just had a mild case of food poisoning and since I cleared out my stomach that I can sleep well tonight.  I ache all over from throwing up and hope I’ll be back to my normal self in the morning.  I feel bad that we didn’t do anything fun or special w/ Rufio on her last night here.  But, I’m also thankful that we didn’t have something big planned b/c I wasn’t feeling up to doing much anyways.

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