Friday, April 8, 2011

Frisco Roughriders Fun

IMG_1941 Autumn wanted me to put her hair in a ponytail w/ a bun today.  She also wanted to wear her backpack so she could have it at the baseball game tonight.  She looked so cute that I just had to take a picture before we left for work/school.  Also, to document that her hair looks good in the morning and by the time I pick her up from school at the end of the day it looks like this…

IMG_1943 …She looks like a rag-a-muffin b/c all the little whispy hairs come out of the pony tail.  But, she still looks cute no matter what.  She was so excited to go over to Papa & Mimi’s b/c Andrew was there waiting for her.  They sat on the love seat and played w/ Autumn’s Barbie computer for a little bit while they waited to leave for the game.

IMG_1944 We got to the baseball game and went up to our suite.  We were excited to see that the twins were wearing their matching shirts, too.  What a CUTE group of A-CUTE kids!

IMG_1951 We are so lucky to get the suite every once in a while b/c it comes stocked w/ drinks, hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken tenders, and chips w/ salsa.  No baseball game is complete w/ out a hot dog!

IMG_1953 One of the mascots came around to visit the suites, but this time they made sure the mascot stayed out in the hall so I didn’t have to make a fool out of myself like last time (click HERE for that embarrassing story).  I gave Lexie my camera and she went out in the hall to take pictures of the kids saying hi to the mascot.  I’m so glad Autumn didn’t inherit my ridiculous phobia!

IMG_1957 Here’s a picture of some of the lovely ladies at the game.  We had 19 people (not including Gary & his family) in the suite, so it was a lot of fun!  We had our family which accounted for 9 people and then Mary, Curt, Christine, Robert Monzingo, Uncle Robert, Aunt Sandy, etc.

IMG_1959 Poor Rufio was being so good and smiling for the camera while completely unaware that Dad was going to give her a wet willy.  He’s such a tease, and she was a good sport about it.

IMG_1960 Here are 3 medical titans all in one place.

IMG_1964 Autumn & Andrew had a BLAST squeezing themselves in between these poles.  They spent about 1/2 of the game doing that and the other 1/2 playing hide-n-go-seek.  I’m glad it kept them entertained for so long.

IMG_1975 Scott, the guy that takes care of us and makes sure we have what we need at the ballpark said he would take us on a tour of the press boxes if we wanted.  So, a group of us went on the tour.  We went in one room and the guy controlling the scoreboard let Andrew help him change the numbers!  He was so cute and patient w/ Andrew and Andrew was loving it.

IMG_1984 Then we went to the next room and Andrew got to sit in the announcer’s chair and wear his headset and hold the speaker!  I don’t know why this picture is so blown out, but oh well.  At least it’s a picture.

IMG_1992This is John Clemens, the voice of the Frisco Roughriders and he was so kind to Andrew and even gave him some rub on tattoos, stickers, and baseball cards.  He even gave Andrew a hug and was just nice as could be.

IMG_1987 Dad even got a turn to sit in the chair and wear the headset and hold the microphone.  We really got the royal treatment.
 IMG_1996 After the tour, we came back to the suite and Scott gave the kids some hats, shirts, and a backpack full of goodies.  He takes such good care of us and we really like him a lot.

IMG_2001 Andrew was so funny and w/out any coaxing or suggesting from us, he put his hat on sideways and looked like a gangsta.  We all got a good laugh out of that b/c he’s the sweetest little kid around.

IMG_2010 I am so glad that Lexie & Jon & Andrew came up for the weekend.  I love spending time w/ Lexie b/c we feed off of each other and make each other laugh.

IMG_2012 The Roughriders finally won in the bottom of the 10th inning and b/c the game was on a Friday night, there were fireworks after the game.  I love this picture b/c even though both kids were enjoying the fireworks, Andrew had his ears covered b/c he thought they were too loud.  Also, just ignore Jon’s creepy eye.

IMG_2018 For it being a minor baseball league, they had some pretty awesome fireworks.  These white ones were my favorite.

IMG_2017The fireworks were hard to see from our suite, so we went out on the back balcony and could see them much better from there.  I’m just glad they had fireworks at all b/c it had been windy earlier in the game and we had heard they might not do them.  After the game, Nick & Autumn & I drove home so we could go to bed.  I thought for sure that Autumn would zonk out b/c it was 10:30 and she hadn’t had a nap.  But she was wide awake and we had a blast making up words to some songs on the radio.

It was a wonderful day and I’m so thankful we get to do fun things like this and create such lasting memories.  It’s all thanks to Dad.

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