Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Let’s Go Mavs, Let’s Go!

IMG_1905 About a few weeks ago Liz & Liberty sent me a text asking me if I wanted to go to the Mavs game w/ them on April 6th. I texted back heck yes, I’d love to go. So, we put it on our calendars to go. It seemed so far away at that point and next thing I knew, the day was here! Time flies when you’re having fun I guess. Anyways, they stopped and picked me up after work and we went out to dinner. Liz picked Subway b/c it doesn’t make her throw up later (she’s 8 weeks along and I can post that b/c she let the cat out of the bag on Facebook). We wanted to try the raspberry & cheesecake cookies and they did NOT disappoint.

IMG_1907 After we ate, we headed to downtown Dallas. L&L had somehow found out that they have an open house at Channel 8 news for an hour before the game, so we got in line to go inside the news room. We didn’t know what to expect and when Liz found out that we get to sit at the news desk and have our picture taken, she started to get so excited. When it was our turn, Liz went up there and got super excited when Gloria Campos told Liz she could put her hand on the computer mouse. She kept saying stuff that made Gloria laugh. Then after we got our pictures and were getting up to leave Gloria told Liz she could hug her and Liz started shaking and hugged Gloria.

It was interesting b/c they had these old and well used chair pads (like what you would use on your kitchen dinner table chairs) on their seats. Also, I love John McCaa but he has a weak hand shake. It was like a dead fish handshake. But, it was so neat to get to meet these people that we see on the news every night and to sit at their news desk.

IMG_1912 Liz & I walked over to this other news desk and pretended to be reporting on the latest breaking news but we couldn’t w/out laughing.

IMG_1913 After we left the news room, we went outside and this band was performing some fun and familiar songs. I kept daring Liz to go dance in the middle of the square but she declined.

IMG_1915 We went and found our seats and they had these heavyweight paper signs on every other seat. Liberty showed me how you fold it to look like a fan and then you hit it on your leg or hand to make a noise. I know that this picture and the next one are grainy, but I forgot to take my camera off of manual mode and they were super dark so I had to lighten them up.

IMG_1916We had great seats as you can see. While we were sitting and waiting for the game to start, I had my arm resting on the back of the chair next to me and I accidentally put my fingers in the beer cup of the guy behind me. I was so embarrassed and apologized profusely and he just laughed it off and said I added flavor to his drink.

IMG_1919 This guy was such a character to watch. He even had matching orange cowboy boots. I told Liz I’ll have to try this hair style on Autumn. LOL!

IMG_1921 The Mavs came out and were warming up before the game started and when I saw Dirk Nowitzki I just kept having the thought that he’s just a normal human being like everyone else. He just plays basketball really well. I think we sometimes put other people on a pedestal b/c of their star status, but really there are way more similarities between them and normal people than there are differences.

IMG_1924 We were excited to see Mark Cuban, too. Liz said she just saw him last night…on the Shark Tank TV show.

IMG_1927These guys are the Mavs ManiAAcs and were hilarious. They do all these fun dance moves during the whole game and were so entertaining to watch. They were on America’s Got Talent and didn’t win, but I found myself watching them more than the game sometimes b/c they were so funny.

It was a super good game and we were way behind and then tied up the game and then got behind again and went ahead. But, we lost the game in the last 4 minutes. We drove back and L&L dropped me off at work to get my car and I went to Mom & Dad’s. Autumn had fallen asleep since it was already 10:45 so we just spent the night. I had such a great evening and am so grateful to have Liz & Liberty as friends. They are wonderful and I love spending time w/ them. I’m also thankful that Mom & Rufio went and got Autumn from daycare and took her to McDonald’s to keep her entertained. They are the best babysitters!

1 comment:

Jobi Niu said...

HOw fun!! I love Dirk Nowitzki, he's an amazing player & a classy guy. Those Mavs ManiAAcs look AWESOME.