Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Rufio, Rufio, Rufi-ooooooooo

P1020111 5:00 couldn’t come fast enough today. I stopped and got Autumn & we rushed home and Mom & Rufio were just getting out of the car as we pulled in the driveway. Rufio brought presents for me (the red earrings on the counter along w/ a matching necklace) and Autumn (a cute little purse). She’s wearing a robe b/c she’s so skinny and is so cold.

P1020112 After we ate dinner, Autumn became Rufio’s shadow. They disappeared into the back bedroom and Rufio was in there reading a Disney Tarzan book to Autumn w/ her magnifying glass. Autumn kept interrupting the story b/c she was more interested in the magnifying glass and asking questions about what it was and what it did and why Rufio had to use it.

P1020116 Mimi got Autumn these new shoes that she can just slip on when she goes outside w/ Papa. So, Autumn had to take them on a test run to see if they would be good outside shoes. We went to the fort and I would chase her to the top of the fort and then she would go down the slide all by herself. She wanted me to stand in front of the slide so she could slide down and hit me on the butt w/ her feet. I’m so glad that she’s such a happy and active child that loves being outdoors enjoying nature.

P1020119 We decided to take a walk over to the lot to see if the iris had bloomed yet. We found a few that had and Autumn had to stop and sniff them.

P1020124 We found one that was really pretty and broke it off the stem to take home to show Mimi & Grandma Ruth. We figured if they couldn’t/didn't want to venture out into nature, we’d bring the nature to them.

P1020127 We stopped by the neighbor’s fence to see how the trumpet vines were doing. Quite a few of the flowers have bloomed but as you can see, there are still quite a few that are waiting to burst open.

P1020130 They had planted some rose bushes about a month ago and we checked on the progress of those as well. They are so pretty and fragrant. I have no idea what’s up w/ the face she’s making in this picture.

P1020133We came back to the house and shared our pretty find w/ Mimi & Grandma Ruth. We started watching Biggest Loser, but by 8:30 Autumn was getting cranky so we said our good byes and headed home to go to bed. I saw the last 2 minutes and was so sad Courtney got kicked off. She’s been my favorite contestant this season. But, I know she’s going to continue to do great things. I put Autumn to bed and then watched Parenthood while I did some laundry and cleaned up the house a little bit b/c it was getting cluttered.

I am so full of gratitude that Autumn gets to spend time w/ Rufio and create memories w/ her. I only remember one of my great grandmas, and not very well. So this week that we get to spend w/ Rufio is precious time and I will be taking lots and lots of pictures (more than I usually do) b/c I want these great memories to be preserved for Autumn to look back on someday when she’s older.

1 comment:

Jobi Niu said...

Autumn is BEAUTIFUL!!! LOVE her hair. Can't wait till Oakley gets long hair. Loved the pics. SO pretty!