Friday, June 17, 2011

Curt & Potatoes & A Bird

IMG_2571 Autumn was so excited when she opened the garage door this morning to leave for college.  She likes the new car a lot.  I have to admit I was really excited to drive it to and from work today.  I wanted to get a few more shots of it during the day, not when it was in a dark garage.

IMG_2572 Love it!  It felt so nice to actually pick Autumn up from daycare today and have a normal evening at home instead of being tied up in the evenings looking for a car.  It felt like a big sigh of relief.

IMG_2573We had onion rings, fish, garlic bread, and Mediterranean Salad for dinner.  I appreciate so much that we get to sit down together as a family around the kitchen table.  I think if more families did that, there would be less problems and issues, especially with youth.  It’s nice to talk and share the events of our day together.

IMG_2574 We had a lot of leftover salad and it won’t keep for more than 30 minutes, so we called Curt to see if they wanted some.  He said sure and said he would be over in a little bit.  Well, he never came over and never came over so Mom called him again and he said he got sidetracked and forgot.  He doesn’t have very good short term memory.  We were able to pawn off our last piece of fish and garlic bread to him along with the salad.  Mom & Dad were talking to him about some work they want him to do at the house and he told Mom to write it down so he wouldn’t forget.  She went so far as to pin it to his shirt so he couldn’t lose it!  LOL!  We all got a good laugh out of it and I’m glad he has a sense of humor about the whole thing.

IMG_2575 After dinner, it was time to go work in the garden.  Dad & the kids dug up about 2/3rd of the red potatoes.  They filled that entire 5 gallon bucket that Autumn’s holding.  Mom cut up a potato really thin and fried it in some butter and we had homemade potato chips.  It was super scrumptious.

IMG_2577After that, Dad was hot and sweaty and wanted to jump in the pool to cool off.  He told us to come outside and look at this little bird he found.  It’s hiding under the blue pot.  We don’t know if it’s injured or just can’t fly yet, but when we got close it hopped away into the bushes.  I hope Trace doesn’t hurt it when he goes out to use the restroom, b/c he’s a hunting dog.

IMG_2581Andrew’s been really hesitant to go swimming lately and he had a little meltdown about it this morning.  Hopefully Ms. Cis can get him back into the water and swimming when he & Autumn start swim lessons next week.  Autumn, on the other hand, is fearless and will jump off the side in the deep end and swim to the side.  I’ve been working with her on the stuff Ms. Cis taught her last year.

IMG_2583The kids played so well together and Autumn likes to line up all the Lego horses as you can see.  I spent the rest of the evening playing Supermarket Mania on the iPad since I couldn’t play it while Mom & Dad had the iPad in China.  Lexie told me that she had gotten to a level where you’re at a resort, so I had to get at least that far.  Everyone went to bed at 10:30 and I ended up staying up until 3:15 am to finish the game!  I hadn’t planned on that, but I was addicted and when I knew there were only 2 more levels left I wanted to beat the game.  I’m going to be so tired tomorrow!

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