Saturday, June 18, 2011

Green Lantern & Chipotle

IMG_2584 We woke up this morning to Papa making his famous Texas waffles, with a little help from the grandkids.  You tell they had just woken up b/c of their sleepy eyes and Autumn’s bed head.  Autumn wanted to swim w/ Papa before he had to go to work, so he & Autumn & I went out and swam for a little bit.

IMG_2585 Autumn & I rushed into the house and changed our clothes and we all jumped in the car (except for poor Dad who had to go to work) and went to see the Green Lantern.  This isn’t a very good picture b/c the movie was about to start, but it’s better than nothing.  The kids did really well, even though Autumn hid a few times b/c it was too scary for her.

IMG_2586 The movie was good, but not one I would pay to see again or buy when it comes out on DVD.  I have no idea what is up with the face Nick is making.

IMG_2587By this time, we were all hungry so we went to Chipotle for lunch.  I love the food there b/c it’s so fresh and tasty.  Every time I eat there now, I think of the founder of Chipotle, who was on America’s Next Great Restaurant.  He’s kind of an odd guy, but has a restaurant that makes great food.

IMG_2588 After we ate, we came home to relax for a while.  Autumn was being really whiny, so I made her lay down in Nate’s room with me for a minute.  She was out like a light within a few minutes.  I fell asleep for a little while and it was so nice to take a little cat nap.  Autumn slept for quite a while and when she finally woke up, we showed her and Andrew how to play “Don’t Spill The Beans.”  Mom bought it for them the other day so they could have something fun to keep them entertained for a little while.

IMG_2590 Mom & Dad left to go over to Monzingo’s.  While they were gone, we hurried and worked on a Father’s Day present for Dad.  Lexie bought this shirt for Dad and it came w/ the paint so the kids could put their handprints on it.

IMG_2593 Lexie didn’t want to do it b/c she said it was too messy and she just didn’t want to deal with that.  I know how she feels…sometimes you’re just not up to handling a mess.  But, Jon was willing to tackle the messy project and helped the kids do their handprints.  It turned out great.

IMG_2598Autumn & Andrew played nicely in the back room while the adults watched True Grit.  It was on OK movie, and definitely better than the original, but not one I would choose to watch again.  I still think it’s so funny how Autumn always lines up the Lego guys on their horses.  Too bad she’s not as OCD about putting her clothes away after I wash and fold them for her.  We headed home so we could get a good night’s sleep before we had to be up early for church.

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