I did not sleep very well last night b/c I kept worrying that I was going to miss the alarm and then we would be late for Jackson’s baby blessing. But, we didn’t miss it and woke up just fine. I gave Autumn a bath, took a shower, and then we went downstairs to eat breakfast while the others got ready. Dad helped her brush her teeth and sing the tooth brushing song.
We went over to Lexie & Jon’s church and saved a bunch of seats b/c the Watson family was coming, too. In our church, we give babies a name and a blessing when they are little and then they can be baptized when they are 8 years old. Jon did a nice job and it was very sweet and spiritual. The babies usually wear all white, and I just love Jackson in his blessing outfit while smiling in this picture. He looks so sweet and innocent, which he is. This was the baby blessing blanket that Mom made for Autumn’s baby blessing and we brought it down w/ us for Jackson to borrow since Mom didn’t have time to make one for him.
After sacrament meeting, we all went back to Lexie & Jon’s house to eat. I figured I’d better get a picture of their nice new house so family members that don’t live here and want to see what it looks like (Grandma Ruth) can see it. It really is a great house.
We tried getting a bunch of family pictures while everyone was still in their Sunday best, but Andrew wanted to go play w/ the Watson cousins and this was the best one we could get. We didn’t get any w/ our family but that’s ok b/c we’re always together and I think this is special to have Grandma & Grandpa Guymon in the picture.
I had to put one more of how cute Jackson is b/c he’s the main reason we came down for the weekend. His eyes are so blue and he looks like he’s just gazing up at angels in this picture.
We had a nice lunch of sandwiches, veggies, chips and salsa, and drinks. We all ate and then the kids went upstairs to play while the adults sat and talked. It was WONDERFUL to see the Watsons, since I haven’t seen them in quite a few years and the kids are growing up so much, but Kerry & Carmen look the same. They are such a great family and I’m glad we’re related.
After they had to leave to go to their ward, we heard Autumn & Andrew upstairs laughing and giggling. Then all of a sudden, two super heroes came downstairs and we couldn’t figure out where Autumn & Andrew were. I especially love Spiderman’s long ponytail.
Who knew that Batman & Spiderman liked to kiss? Well, they do and their the cutest kissing
cousins superheroes ever.
Since the Watson cousins had left, the kids were bored and wanted someone to play with them. I was busy helping Mom get dinner started and Dad was working on Lexie & Jon’s washer and dryer, so Grandpa Guymon went outside w/ the kids just like yesterday and ran around and chased them and played games w/ them. I thought this picture of Andrew & GG sitting on the patio just talking was too precious.
After all that excitement, GG needed a break and also wanted to hold Jackson, so I took a turn entertaining the kids. They wanted me to chase them and would somehow always end up in this crawl space under the stairs. It’s so funny that they don’t realize it’s a dead end and probably one of the worst places to hide b/c I can always get them in there. But, they didn’t care and just had fun getting caught. I would pretend to fall asleep and they would “sneak” out and the game of chase would start all over.
We watched football and I helped Dad take down part of the playset in the backyard that was rotted and falling apart. We were going to put new wooden beams in, but Dad changed his mind and decided that he wanted to put up a cemented in post, so that will have to wait for another day. By this time, it was time for dinner so we had roast, carrots, potatoes, and gravy. Then for dessert we had manly jell-o. Lexie was doing her motherly duty, so Mom was doing hers by feeding her baby while her baby fed her baby. LOL!
For Dad’s birthday, Lexie & Jon had gone to the Cake Plate and gotten these “cake in a jar” treats. They got a yummy chocolate/peanut butter one and then my favorite, which is the Mexican Vanilla. It was so good that I literally licked the jar clean w/ my tongue and then used a spatula.
Jon’s Dad likes to paint and painted this picture for their new house. It is so well done and looks great on the wall near their living room.
We finally had to say our good byes b/c we had a 3 1/2 hour drive ahead of us and wanted to get home before it got too late. Mom was giving Jackson a good bye kiss and Lexie kissed him at the same time and he just started crying. It was so funny.
Mom drove home in the truck w/ Dad and Nick & Autumn went home w/ me in the Cadillac. There is this cool abandoned restaurant in Italy, TX and we had to stop and take a picture. There were some road blocks across the parking lot w/ a sign that said “no trespassing” but I told Nick to just run over there super fast so we could get a picture. He did and as we were walking back to get in the car, a guy came out of the doors and looked at us and we have just waved at him to let him know we were leaving. It was weird, b/c I thought it was abandoned, but I was wrong. It made me wonder if he lives there???
Also in Italy, TX is this 260’ long caterpillar. We tried driving past it on the frontage road, but the frontage road ends and makes you get on the freeway, so Nick took this picture out the window as we drove by. It’s a bunch of Quonset huts joined together and painted to look like a caterpillar w/ Texas cowboy boots on. I’ve always wanted to get a picture of it, so tonight we did.
The sunset was so pretty on the way home, b/c we were driving towards a storm so the sky was all sorts of different shades of light blue to dark blue. I loved how this cloud is outlined in pink. We got to Dallas and the sky opened up and it started to pour. Mom & Dad were about 15 miles ahead of us and called to say that it was hailing and to try and get off the freeway and find shelter to protect the car. We got off the freeway but couldn’t find a gas station w/ an awning so we parked under a tree in the parking lot of a restaurant. We waited out the storm even though the Cadillac got hit by some big pieces of hail. I don’t think there was any major damage. We got back on the freeway after about 15 minutes of hiding out and made it home w/out incident.
It was a great weekend and I’m so glad we got to be there for Jackson’s baby blessing and help Lexie & Jon move into their new home. It’s so wonderful to live close to family and get to create these memories that will last a life time.
Kissing Superhero's!!!!
I LOVE the pictures of Jackson, thank you, thank you, thank you for all you did to help us move. You are the BEST sister ever!!!
The pictures of Jackson turned out great..wish you were closer to take pictures for me! I also copied the picture of our family onto our computer..thanks! So nice to have a photo of all of us together. It was fun to see you an Autumn...you both are soo beautiful...I LOVE both of your hair! (my grammer doesn't sound right...I love both your hair??...maybe you both have beautiful hair sounds better :)
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