Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday Is NOT A Day Of Rest

P1040732 The past few Sundays I’ve been watching Joel Osteen in the morning.  I really like some of the points he makes and the things he says.  Today he was talking about making our stumbling blocks into stepping stones.  He said that at the post office there are the posters of the 10 most wanted and at the bottom it usually says “armed & dangerous.”  He said that if Satan had a post office, we would be on his most wanted list b/c we are armed w/ the power of God.  I thought that was a good one.

P1040733 Here’s our official before-church picture.  We had a crazy busy afternoon.  We went to church, which was good.  I taught the lesson in Young Women’s about Honoring Parents.  It ended up being really good, b/c I had each girl take a strip of paper that had one of the 11 ways to honor our parents.  They would come up to the board and read what it said on the paper and then share a little something about what the paper said.  It was very touching and I think it made an impact on the girls.  Here are the 11 things just in case you were wondering:

  1. Be obedient.
  2. Be loyal to them by not saying unkind things about them or to them.
  3. Be more cheerful with all family members.
  4. Be a good person myself.
  5. Be more helpful at home.
  6. Try to understand why they are the way they are.
  7. Express my appreciation and thanks.
  8. Discuss my problems, plans, and goals with them.
  9. Always let them know where I am.
  10. Tell them I love them.
  11. Pray for help.

As soon as church was over, I went and got Autumn from her class and we had a Laurel’s class presidency meeting.  Autumn was SO GOOD during the 1 1/2 hour meeting.  She sat and colored while we did our planning.  Then after that was done, we came home and grabbed a bite to eat and turned around and headed out the door again.

We went visiting teaching at 6:30 and Autumn was super good during that visit too.  She just sat next to me and listened.  It was a very touching visit and the Spirit was so strong.  After 30 minutes, Autumn said, “Can we leave now?”  It was so funny b/c we usually only stay for 30 minutes anyway and kids can be so honest w/out being offensive.

P1040741We rushed home and changed into comfy clothes and waited for our home teachers to come at 7:30.  They were late b/c they were at another visit, so Autumn & I danced around the living room while waiting for them.  She was spinning around to my new favorite song “When We’re Together” from the movie Courageous.

P1040739This was one of those Kairos moments that I will remember forever.  The lyrics to the song (see below), what they represented on the movie, her hair flying out behind her, arms outstretched in her jammies and slippers.  It was just a perfect moment in time.  I had the thought while I sat and watched her dance that her being so good at all of the meetings today was a direct blessing from Heavenly Father b/c I was serving and fulfilling my callings.  It was a powerful & poignant moment for me.

Worries seem to fade away
As they become as distant memories
When we’re together.

And I’d love to
Dance with you
Under the big blue sky
We’d hold the
Wonder of the moment
As the moment passes by.

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