Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday Smoothies

P1040947 This morning we got up and Autumn wanted pancakes.  We decided to make it fun and add some green food coloring for a nod to St. Patrick’s Day.  We watched some TV & Autumn was playing w/ her dolls.  I kept asking Nick what time it was and he would check his phone and tell me it as 9:30, then 9:50, then 10:20.  Just a few minutes after he told me it was 10:20, he hit the  info button on the TV to see what a show was about and I noticed the TV said 11:35.  I checked my phone and it also said 11:35.  That’s when it hit me that I had forgotten it was daylight savings!  Autumn & I rushed around to shower and get ready for church.  I had Nick take our usual before church picture.  My hair looks silly b/c I always clip it up like that so it can dry and have some volume when I take it down.

P1040950 Church was good and Autumn even got to be the reverent child in Primary.  She just had to stand up at the front of the room before Primary started and fold her arms and be quiet and set a good example for the other kids.  I taught a lesson in Young Women’s on Growing & Developing In Self Reliance.  We only had 4 girls there today b/c it’s Spring Break this coming week.  But, it was good and I love getting their input and have them do more talking about the Gospel than I do.

After church we went straight over to Mom & Dad’s house.  Mom had made a roast and carrots and potatoes and gravy.  Mom said that Lexie & Andrew & Jackson were on their way up to spend the week.  We thought they were coming tomorrow, and Autumn was THRILLED that Drew was coming to play today.  They got here and we helped them unload all their stuff out of the car and then they ate while we sat and got caught up w/ each other.  I was showing Lexie something on the computer and I started playing “When We’re Together” on the laptop and Autumn came RUNNING from out of the back room and said she wanted to dance.  I danced w/ her for a little bit and then when Lexie started dancing w/ Andrew I had Nick dance w/ Autumn so I could get a picture.

P1040953 Autumn & I rushed home at 6:15 to be here for our home teachers to come over at 6:30.  I had forgotten my phone before we left for church, so as soon as we walked in the door I checked my phone to see if I had missed any calls or texts.  Sure enough, our home teacher had called to say they couldn’t make it tonight.  So, we changed into our jammies and went back over to Mom & Dad’s so Autumn could play w/ Drew some more.

Lexie & I started watching the free On Demand episodes of Once Upon A Time.  I’ve only seen snippets of it here and there, so it was nice to sit and watch full episodes and get more of the story line.  For dinner the kids said they wanted some mac & cheese and then it was time for smoothies from Papa.  It’s been a while since we’ve done that.

P1040954Both of the kids have to taste test the smoothies to see if they are good or not before they can hand them out to everyone.  We came home and I put Autumn right to bed b/c it said 9:00 on the clock.  I was worried she wouldn’t go to sleep b/c her body was still thinking it was only 8:00, but I know that will catch up w/ her in the morning.  I’m hoping she won’t be a bear to wake up in the morning.

I did a load of her laundry, loaded and started the dishwasher, edited pictures, blogged, and had episodes of Friends on in the background.  This weekend went by way too fast and I’m hoping tomorrow at work isn’t as crazy busy as Friday was.

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