Monday, April 9, 2012

Monday Mushrooms

P1050417 Tonight when we got to Mom & Dad’s house, Autumn sprang out of the car and ran to the front yard.  She was so excited to point out a clump of mushrooms.  I had to explain to her that we NEVER eat mushrooms that aren’t bought from the store.  I had to tell her that they can make you really sick or could even kill you.  I quickly diverted her attention to the pretty iris that are as tall as she is.

P1050418 We were going to have grilled hamburgers and corn on the cob for dinner, but for some reason the grill wouldn’t heat up.  The gas was on and there was a flame, but the temp never went above 200 degrees.  So, we improvised and got out the Foreman grill and did the burgers on that and then boiled the corn.  I went to open the ketchup bottle to put some on my hamburger, and as soon as I flipped the lid, it squirted and splattered everywhere!  It looked like I had a bloody thumb.  Autumn thought it was hilarious.

P1050419We were so excited to have our first corn on the cob of the season.  Autumn LOVES her some corn, and Nick always jokes and says it’s b/c she’s American Indian.  She cracks me up b/c she wears her helmet outside, even when we’re eating dinner.  We ask her if she wants to take it off and she says no, b/c she’ll eat a bite and then jump on her bike and ride around and then come back and eat some more.

After dinner, Autumn & I went on a walk around the neighborhood.  I hope it stays semi-cool for at least a few more weeks so we can keep going on walks.  It gets too miserable once the heat & humidity hit.  But, at that point we can swim instead.  I walked around on the Shamu shelf tonight, and it is still too chilly, but will be ready for swimming in a few weeks.  I’m glad that Lexie & I got Andrew & Autumn signed up for swim lessons again this year.

After dinner, we did up the dishes and then watched Dancing With The Stars.  What I saw was good, but then I had to get Autumn home and into bed.

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