Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Unexpected Beauty In The Imperfections

P1060558Not a whole lot happened today.  Mom called me on my way home from work to ask if I could stop and get some lettuce for the tacos she made for dinner.  I had to run by WalMart anyways to get some groceries for Liz’s surprise birthday party tomorrow.  After I got Autumn at “college” we went to Mom & Dad’s and had dinner.  I didn’t have Young Women’s tonight b/c we have youth conference this weekend and will be gone ALL DAY Saturday (5:45 am to 10:00 pm) helping at the Special Olympics.  It was nice to not have to eat dinner and rush off to Young Women’s.  Instead, Dad & I sat and worked w/ Autumn on writing her alphabet.  Let’s just say that I am NOT excited for her to have homework once she starts Kindergarten in the fall.  She doesn’t like to do it and gets silly and then I get angry/frustrated and then she shuts down.  So, I will really have to work on my patience and kindness.

We came home b/c I needed to get some things ready for Liz’s party tomorrow.  I made the cake for tres leches cake and boiled the pasta and soaked it in Italian dressing for the pasta salad.  I got Autumn to bed and then sat down and wrote out my list of things to do tomorrow so I don’t forget something in my frenzied rush.  Autumn had this rose (that they handed out to all the women at church on Mother’s Day) in a little cut on her bathroom sink.  It’s starting to get brown and ugly, and she wanted to take a picture of it.  As I was going through and deleting/editing pictures, I was about to delete this one b/c the shadow is too dark in the left hand corner.  But, I decided to make it black and white and was AMAZED at how neat it looks.  I hadn’t noticed when it was in color, that there are little water droplets in between the rose petals.

I could make all these comparisons about how I need to “stop and smell the roses” and look for the unseen beauty in life.  Or I could compare it to how I got frustrated w/ Autumn tonight over homework and how I need to “look between the layers” to find out how to help her.  I will probably fall asleep thinking about those things.  But, for now I just want to enjoy the beauty of such a happy mistake and that I didn’t delete this photo like I had originally planned to.  The more I look at this picture, the more it’s growing on me.  I might even have to print it off and frame it and hang it up in the house.

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