Saturday, July 21, 2012

Biggest Loser Season 14 Dallas Casting Call

P1070347 I got up at 5:30 this morning, got showered, got all my stuff together and hit the road for downtown Dallas.  I got there at 7:00 and went and got in line.  This is just a few of the people of line in front of me.  The line started at the front of the building and we were wrapped around to the west side of the building.  At least we got a nice view of downtown Dallas to look at while we waited.

P1070348 These were all the people that were in line behind me.  The line stretched so far down I couldn’t see the end of it.

P1070349 I was so thankful that we were able to be in some shade.  It got hot once the sun came up, so I had my big umbrella to help keep the sun off me.  I’m SO GLAD I brought a camping chair to sit in, b/c we waited for 3 hours before they started letting people into the building.

P1070350 Once they opened the doors, the line moved pretty fast for a while.  We were able to move to the front of the building and see this view of the Dallas skyline, and we had lots of shade.  One of the staff members came down the line and was handing out the applications we all needed to fill out.

P1070351 While in line, I saw Patrick House who was the Season 10 winner.  He was so nice when I asked him if I could get a picture w/ him.  He was taller than I thought, and looked INCREDIBLE.  It’s so inspiring to see how he’s kept the weight off.  We’re friends on Facebook, so I’ll have to upload this picture and tag him in it.

P1070354 It was SO NICE when we finally got inside the building and into the air conditioning.  I was able to finally sit down and fill out my application.  I was #187 in line.

P1070356 As you can see, there were a lot of people there.  People thought that once they got inside they were close to be interviewed.  Nope…they had us winding back and forth in there, just like at an amusement park line.  But we were all just grateful to be out of the heat.

P1070359This is a grainy picture w/ bad red eyes b/c I took this from far away in a dark room and zoomed way in.  This is Chism & Mark from last season.  Mark looked AMAZING!

P1070358 It was FINALLY our turn around 11:15 to go into the holding room.  They took 12 people at a time and assigned us to sit at a big round table.  There were 8 tables in the room.  This was the group at my table and we were a FUN group!  Especially the 2 black girls in the center.  They were cracking me up.  We all kind of already knew each other from standing in line together for 4 hours.  At the top of the picture you can see a table along the back wall.  That’s where Holland was doing the interviews.  Each group of 12 got 15 minutes total.

It took a while for it to be our turn for interviews, but that’s OK b/c we were sitting, it was air conditioned, and we were talking and laughing and having fun.  At 12:00, Holland had everyone stop what they were doing and said we were going to have a minute of silence along w/ the rest of the nation for the victims of the Colorado shootings.  It was so quiet and it gave me spiritual goosebumps.  That was a neat thing for them to have us do.

Anyways, it was finally our turn and we went and sat at the table.  She said she was going to have us tell her our names, age, and a little bit about us and then she would ask each of us a different question.  I couldn’t hear what was going on at the other side of the table b/c it was so loud in there.  When she got to me I said, “My name is Lisa Marie Johnson, I’m 32 years old, and I’m an Amazon Woman.”  She asked me if I felt more judged for being tall or for being heavier that most other people.  I said definitely for being heavier, b/c no one gets judged for being tall.  Most basketball players & football players are tall and we admire them, so I LOVE being tall.  But, I do feel judged for being heavier that other people.”  She seemed to like that answer.

After she had gone around to everyone, she said we had 1 minute left and she wanted us to quickly tell her what our inspiration was for being there.  What would keep us motivated on the ranch?  When she got to me, I said it was the acronym A.N.T. “A” for my daughter Autumn b/c I’m a single divorced Mom & need to be around for her.  “N” for my brother Nick who has mild learning disabilities and lives w/ me and depends on me.  “T” for my best friend Tara who died in 2008.  She told us that we would know if we got a callback for a 1-on-1 interview by 10 or 11 pm tonight.  That was it, and we were done.  I went back to the car and called Mom & let her know I was on my way home.

P1070360 I got to Mom & Dad’s and had some lunch b/c I hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast at 6:00 am.  Then Autumn wanted to go swimming, so we swam for a while, which felt so nice b/c I felt to hot and sweaty from the heat at the casting call.  After a few hours I was starting to get sunburnt, so we got out and went back in the house.  Autumn wanted to wrestle, so she had me lay down on the floor and then she’d stand next to me and jump on me.  She wanted me to take a picture of her jumping on me.  She’s such a funny little bug.

P1070368 Dad got called into the clinic and when he was done, he called us and Mom said she wanted to go to Panda Express for dinner.  Autumn sure loves her Papa & he loves her right back.

P1070369Autumn wanted to take mine & Mimi’s picture, which is why this picture is blurry.  At least she didn’t cut off our heads.  After dinner Autumn & I came home and spent the evening just relaxing and playing.  Dark Knight was on TV and she wanted to watch it.  I got her to bed and then flipped channels while checking the Biggest Loser Casting Facebook page during each commercial to see if they had updated their status.  Finally at 10:36 they put that they were done w/ the callbacks, so that means I didn’t get one.

I was disappointed for a few minutes and then decided to not feel sorry for myself and just move on to my Plan B.  I’m going to get a pass to the local gym and start going in the mornings to workout.  I was so tired by this point from having been up since 5:30 am, so I went to bed at 11:00.  Even though I didn’t make it, I am so glad that I at least went and tried and got to have that experience.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, I was at the casting call in Dallas yesterday were a few people ahead of me...i got there about 7:30....where do we find the people that got a callback?....i have the Biggest Loser on my facebook, but i dont see nay updates....thanks

Claire said...

Well done for trying! What a neat experience!