Sunday, July 22, 2012

Testimony Glove

P1070370 This morning we got up and had breakfast and then I got busy making chocolate chip cookies for my Young Women’s lesson.  While I was baking, I had on I Love Lucy in the background.  Autumn had never seen it before, so it was fun to introduce such a classic to her.  What’s even better is that it was the episode where Lucy & Ethel work in the chocolate factory.  I LOVE that one, and Autumn did too.

P1070375 Once the cookies were done baking, it was time to get ready for church.  I’m so glad that I remembered to get our weekly before church picture.  The Beehives joined our class b/c their teacher got sick, so we had a BIG group.  It was a good thing I had so many cookies.  The lesson was on Resisting Sin, and I read the story “Tragedy of Rayad” by Ardeth G. Kapp, about the people of Rayad that couldn’t have chocolate cake, or they would lose their powers.  Well, a bad guy comes along and knows he can’t get them to just flat out eat chocolate cake, so he introduces chocolate chip cookies.  They aren’t chocolate cake, but they have just enough chocolate to make the Rayadites build up a tolerance to chocolate.  Once they were OK w/ that, he introduced all types of cake (except chocolate) but w/ chocolate frosting.  The point of the whole story is that’s how Satan works with us.  He knows we’re not going to go out and commit some major sin.  He gets us to slowly accept little things here and there that seem innocent, but eventually we succumb to bigger things b/c we’ve accepted the small things.

I also shared the story w/ them of how to cook a frog.  If you throw a frog into pot of boiling water, it’s going to jump right out.  But, if you put it in a pot of room temperature water and then turn up the heat just a few degrees at a time, it won’t recognize the difference in temperature until it’s too late.  I think the lesson went well and the girls really liked the chocolate chip cookies.

P1070376 After church, we went to Mom & Dad’s house for Sunday dinner and manly jell-o.  Mom & I were looking at stuff on my laptop and Autumn & Papa were playing games on the iPad.  The family that shares technology together, stays together.  LOL!  Just kidding.

P1070380 We did actually interact w/ each other and had Family Home Evening.  A few weeks ago Autumn was asking what a testimony is.  Mom found a super cute book about a Testimony Glove.  We talked about what a testimony is and 5 different things that can/should be included in a testimony.  There were little pictures to go w/ each of the 5 points:

  1. We have a loving Heavenly Father who is the Father of our Spirits
  2. Jesus Christ is His Son and the Savior & Redeemer of the World
  3. Joseph Smith restored the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter-Days and translated the Book of Mormon
  4. We can be together forever w/ our families by being sealed in the temple
  5. We have a living prophet on the Earth today

After FHE, we rushed home b/c our Home Teachers were coming over.  Autumn’s dolls were strewn all across the living room, and when I told her it was time to clean up, she had a major meltdown b/c she was so tired and hadn’t had a nap.  When they came, she ran and hid in her room but came out eventually.  After they left, we just spent the evening relaxing and playing.

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