Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Clean Counters Are Good For The Soul

P1070171I hope I’m not the only one that has a “dump spot” in their house.  Ours is the kitchen counter, b/c we walk in from the garage and it’s the closest place to set stuff down.  Well, it’s been slowly piling up over the past few weeks and I finally had enough of it tonight.  I got Autumn to bed and went to work.  I vacuumed (she’s  a heavy sleeper), did all the dishes and put them away, cleaned off the counter by putting everything away where it goes, etc.  It felt SO GOOD to have a clean and empty counter.  I always say I’m going to keep it that way, but then life happens and it gets cluttered again.  I should have taken an after picture, but I didn’t.

You can’t see it very well in the background of this picture, but the living room looks like a disaster area.  I stayed up until 2:30 am last night going through and organizing some old pictures.  I couldn’t sleep and was looking for some pictures of the summer of 2000 to include in my Biggest Loser video, but I couldn’t find them.  I was a Project Lifer even back then, b/c I have boxes and boxes full of pictures, programs, movie ticket stubs, etc.  Thanks to Becky Higgins, I now have a place that I can organize all of that.  I need to finish my 2010 albums and mission albums before I can start on the older stuff.  But, it felt good to get it all organized and in chronological order.  Now I just need to put them all away until I can get them into an album.

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