Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Pinewood Derby, Clouds & Clipped

P1070173 Last night for our combined Young Men’s/Young Women’s activity, we had a Pinewood Derby.  Usually that’s just a Scout thing, but they let everyone participate this time.  It was so fun b/c there were no rules.  You could make your car as heavy as you wanted or silly, etc.  They had this cool track that even had an electronic timer so we knew who came in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.  Karri and I got appointed to write down the times for each heat and then the kids took their sticky note w/ their time on it over to a table where it was put into a computer and they kept track of who was fastest & slowest.  It was so much fun and so many people from the ward came out to watch and participate.

P1070175 They even had these ADORABLE prizes for slowest, fastest, prettiest, most creative, heaviest, ugliest, and best overall cars!

P1070176 I especially liked this one that was made to look like a ukulele.  After all the prizes had been handed out and the prayer was said over the refreshments, I asked everyone if they would be willing to be in a quick little segment for my Biggest Loser video.  I was THRILLED that so many people were willing to do it and it’s AWESOME.  I yelled out the first word Season/14, Biggest/Loser, Lisa/Johnson and they said the 2nd word and then at the end they went crazy cheering.

P1070178 On the drive home, the clouds were so pretty that I had to get a picture.  They were huge and fluffy and starting to turn pink b/c the sun was setting.

P1070183 That first one was w/ my camera zoomed in and this is one zoomed out.  I think it looks like a postcard!

P1070192 I like this one w/ the garden in the foreground and the pretty clouds in the background.

P1070195Mom was a real trooper and took Autumn to swim lessons for me.  That’s true love right there, b/c you have to sit outside in the sweltering heat & humidity, which is something Mom does NOT do!  I had to get a picture of Emma b/c Mom had gone and gotten her clipped earlier today.  Emma did NOT like being up on this little tray table, but that’s the only way I could get her to hold still for me.  She’s so cute!

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