Saturday, July 7, 2012

Country, Costco & Kicking Back

P1070133Autumn & I slept over at Mom & Dad’s house last night b/c we stayed up too late and I didn’t want to drive home.  Plus, I had a nail appointment in the morning and Nick was going to watch her for me at Mom & Dad’s anyways.  I got my nails done (they were WAAAAYYYY grown out), and then I went next door and found some amazing deals at the kids consignment store.  Sometimes I forget that I still live out in the country until something like this happens…big old tractors taking up more than one lane in the road so you can’t pass them.

P1070135 Sometimes I can find great deals and other times there’s nothing.  Today I hit the jackpot.  They were having a sale and lot of things were 1/2 off.  I got these silky Christmas jammies for just $2.50!  Too bad they fit perfectly now, b/c she’ll be too big for them by the time Christmas rolls around.

P1070138 I found these AWESOME boots for just $4.50!  The little pocket even opens.  I’ll have to get Autumn to use lotion on her ashy knees.  LOL!

IMG_0367 Autumn tried on her clothes, and I got a bunch of the stretchy cotton pants she likes for just $1.50 each!!!  Anyways, she’s all set for her new fall/winter school clothes.  She wanted to dance and so we had a little dance party and then we sat down to rest for a little bit and next thing I know, we had both fallen asleep.  It was so nice to take a little nap.  She wasn’t ready to wake up when I did, so she laid back down while I did some pinning on Pinterest.  The picture quality isn’t that great b/c I’m using my iPhone.  I love that she fell asleep wearing her new (too big) shoes.

IMG_0369 When I finally got her to wake up, we ran some errands.  We went to Costco to get a treat for an object lesson I’m going to use in my Young Women’s lesson tomorrow.  We also needed to restock on fruit snacks b/c we were out.  She wanted me to take a picture of her pretty new outfit and shoes.

IMG_0370 We decided to buy some fruit leather strips to try them for her school lunches, but as soon as we got in the car she wanted to have one.  I gave her one and she said, “Look Mama, I made the letter ‘U’ with my treat.”  She sure did.

IMG_0372We were going to go swimming, but it started pouring rain.  So, we sat and enjoyed the rain storm instead and painted each other’s toenails.  The rest of the day was spent relaxing, eating, watching movies, and dancing.  I also worked on my lesson for a little bit.  Why do Saturday’s go by so fast?

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