Friday, July 6, 2012

No Covers? No Problem!

The only thing we did on Thursday after work was that Nick & Autumn & I went to our favorite Italian restaurant for dinner.  Nick was off, so he could film me for my BL video.  They suggested on their website to show your favorite restaurant, so that’s where we went for dinner tonight.  It was so good, but the restaurant is too loud to film b/c it’s too noisy in there.  So, we brought some of the food home and filmed at home.  Then it was time for Autumn’s swim lessons.  She’s doing really good and I’m so glad she’s in lessons again this year.  I feel like she could save herself and swim to the side if she fell in.he only thing we did on Thursday after work was that Nick & Autumn & I went to our favorite Italian restaurant for dinner.  Nick was off, so he could film me for my BL video.  They suggested on their website to show your favorite restaurant, so that’s where we went for dinner tonight.  It was so good, but the restaurant is too loud to film b/c it’s too noisy in there.  So, we brought some of the food home and filmed at home.  Then it was time for Autumn’s swim lessons.  She’s doing really good and I’m so glad she’s in lessons again this year.  I feel like she could save herself and swim to the side if she fell in.

IMG_0366After swim lessons, we came home and I gave her a shower and then braided her hair so it would be wavy this morning.  She did not want to wake up this morning, so I turned on the light and the fan and took the covers off the bed.  I went in to get dressed and when I came back out, this is how I found her.  LOL!  She cracks me up. 

P1070129  Tonight at swim lessons us parents got to go inside the gate and watch to see how the kids have been doing.  Autumn’s class is learning how to use a kickboard and keep their faces in the whole length of the pool.  As you can see, she had to take a little turtle breath, but she was doing awesome.  After swim lessons we came home and relaxed and watched TV and played.  We know how to live it up on a Friday night!

1 comment:

HILL HESS said...

SO exciting that you're trying out for the Biggest Loser! That show is so inspiring- one of my favs! When are tryouts? Let me know how it goes![=