Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A Late Start & Autumn’s Sense Of Style

P1070128 I didn’t get home until 12:00 am, and then I couldn’t sleep b/c I kept thinking of things I want to include in my Biggest Loser video.  I hate the feeling of not being able to shut off my brain when it’s time to sleep.  I finally just got up after laying there for 1 1/2 hours and got a notebook and started writing down all of the things I was thinking of.  That helped and I was able to finally fall asleep after that.  I must have been so deep in my sleep that when the alarm went off I just turned it off, b/c when  I woke up at 8:00 I noticed my phone (which is what I use for my alarm) was sitting next to my pillow.

So, we jumped out of bed and rushed around getting ready.  I was throwing Autumn’s lunch together and she came out of her room wearing this!  I tried really hard not to laugh so I wouldn’t make her feel bad.  I just told her I wanted to take a picture of her pretty outfit, and then I helped her find a plain colored t-shirt.  But, I still let her wear her crazy multi-colored socks.  I love her creativity.

IMG_0358 I called my boss to let him know I was going to be late.  This is my dashboard as we were pulling out of the driveway.  I’m usually pulling into the parking lot at work, or am already sitting at my desk by 8:30.  It ended up being a great work day, even w/ the late start.  I got a big batch of orders done, and filed away which is always such a great feeling.  I love getting to-do things off my desk.

After work/school, we went over to Mom & Dad’s house and just had a sandwich and chips for dinner before we headed to swim lessons.  I wore some pants tonight and put a sweatshirt on just on my arms to protect them from the mosquitoes.  It was still hot, but I didn’t get bit by any mosquitoes, so that’s good news.  We came home and I gave Autumn a shower, she played w/ dolls for a while, and then she went to bed.  I worked on editing my Biggest Loser video and called it a night.

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