Monday, July 23, 2012

Mom’s New Hairdo Monday & Smart Suitcase Packing

P1070381 Autumn & I were surprised when we went to Mom & Dad’s for dinner, b/c Mom had gone and gotten her hair straightened.  She looks so different, but still cute.

P1070383We didn’t stay all night like we usually do, b/c I needed to run to WalMart to get a few last minute things and then we had to go home so I could do laundry and start packing for our trip tomorrow.  Autumn was so giddy she had a hard time going to sleep.

IMG_6390 I did Autumn’s laundry first so I could get her clothes situated like this.  This is probably old news for most people, but I thought I came up w/ a pretty great idea for packing Autumn’s clothes.  I didn’t want her having to dig through piles of clothes in her suitcase to find outfits that will match.  So, I got some gallon ziplock bags and put an outfit in each one.  I put a pair of undies, a pair of socks, shorts, a shirt, and a coordinating bow in each bag.  That way all she has to do is open the bag, put on the outfit inside, and put her clothes from the day before in the empty bag.  Hopefully that will keep her nice and organized.  I was up until 12:30 doing laundry and packing, so hopefully I can sleep a little bit on the plane.

1 comment:

The Watson's said...

Great minds think alike. That is how I pack for my kids too. It should be patented!