Sunday, July 15, 2012

Texas Waffles & Spiderman Cupcakes

P1070291 This morning we got up and had to have our traditional Texas waffles for breakfast.  Lexie & I were commenting on how big Autumn & Andrew have gotten, b/c they just pulled the stools over to the counter and climbed up themselves.  It seems like just a few months ago (even though it’s really been a few years) that we had to do that for them b/c they were too little to do it themselves.  They’re growing up too fast!  Jackson got to experience his first time watching Papa make Texas waffles.  We’ll blink and before we know it, he’ll be old enough to climb up on his own stool by himself.  SNIFF SNIFF!

P1070292 After breakfast, Papa & Mimi got out their gifts from their Scandinavian/Russia trip for Lexie & her family.  Andrew loved his ushanka hat. 

P1070304Andrew was sad that we never got to eat his Spiderman cupcakes yesterday, so Mom said we could have them for an after breakfast snack! LOL!  He had also requested Oreo chocolate ice cream so we had a major sugar rush after eating waffles w/ syrup for breakfast.

P1070306The kids had fun playing Spiderman w/ the rings they got on top of the cupcakes.  They were going around pretending to shoot spider webs at everyone.  After that, Mom & Dad & Andrew left to go get ready for church.  Autumn & Lexie & I watched some TV for a little bit and then Autumn & I had to go home to get ready for Church.

scriptures We got a new bishopric today, and I’m sad b/c I loved our Bishop.  But, I’m excited b/c I also love the new one.  He’s an incredible man and he loves Hawaii as much (if not more) than I do.  My lesson in Young Women’s on Scripture Study went well.  I shared the thought above w/ them (found here) and think it’s so awesome.  I also brought some Dove chocolates and shared that one of the reasons I like Dove chocolates so much over other candy is b/c of the little thought on the inside of the wrapper.  It’s the same w/ the scriptures…we have to open them up and use them to “feast” on the deeper meanings inside. (Idea from HERE).

P1070308After church, we went to Mom & Dad’s house for the traditional Sunday dinner of roast, carrots, potatoes, gravy, and manly jell-o.  Lexie & Jon and the boys had already left to go home, so we missed saying good bye to them, but I’m sure we’ll see them in Utah since we’ll both be up there at the same time.  I had to get a picture of Dad & Emma conked out on the couch together.  We always laugh at how Emma’s tongue sticks out when she’s sleeping.

P1070312We spent the evening relaxing, blogging, playing, dancing, and watching some reruns of college football games.  I’m SO EXCITED for football season to start up next month!  On the way home, this was our beautiful sunset that we got to enjoy.

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