Sunday, August 19, 2012

2 New Wards & Ward Boundary Changes

P1070642 This is our last Sunday of getting to sleep in and take it easy all morning, b/c next Sunday our ward starts meeting at 11:00 (the celestial hour) instead of 1:00.  Church was good, and everyone was talking about the new changes they are going to announce tonight.

P1070643After church, Autumn & I rushed to Mom & Dad’s house where I scarfed down some food and then Mom & I went back to the church to attend the meeting where they announced the ward boundary changes.  Mom & Dad’s ward changed a lot and mine hardly changed at all.  But, the sad thing is that Karri & her family are no longer in my ward!  I am going to miss them SO MUCH.  They always sat in front of us and saved us a seat, and Kylie would come sit on our row to play w/ Autumn.  I would always sit by Karri in Sunday School, and we were together in Young Women’s.

But, even though I will miss seeing their family on Sundays, it’s a good problem to have to split wards b/c of such big growth.  When we first moved here, there were only 2 wards.  Now there are 7!  And no matter where I go to church, it’s the same Gospel everywhere.  We came home from the meeting and started watching Downton Abbey w/ Aunt Jeri b/c she’s never seen it before.

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