Saturday, August 18, 2012

A Pain In The Back & Up The Nose

This morning I woke up in worse pain that yesterday.  Yesterday I got out of bed and had a sharp pain in my lower left back near my hip when I would bend down or turn a certain way.  I took some Motrin and hoped it would go away eventually.  Well, today it hurts just as bad and I have to stand, walk, and sit very gingerly so it doesn’t hurt. 

While we were getting ready to leave for the day, Autumn came in crying.  I asked her what was wrong and all she could choke out in between sobs was, “I did it again!”  I asked her what she had done and she told me to look up her nose b/c she had gotten a bead stuck up there!  Last time it was a bean, and she remembered how Papa had to get it out w/ water.  She didn’t want that to happen again, but that’s the only way to get it out.  Dad was at a seminary meeting until 3:00, so I told her she’d just have to wait until he got home.  I put her in the car even though she was crying and carrying on.  As we were driving down the road, the crying stopped and I asked her what was going on.  She smiled and said, “Mama, I puffed the bead out of my nose all by myself!”  I am glad she was able to get it out so we didn’t have to go through the traumatic experience again of getting it out.

P1070630 We went and got the oil changed in the car and then went to Mom & Dad’s house.  I helped Mom make a big pot of Chicken & Wild Rice Casserole and then Monzingos came over and we all went swimming.  We were BEYOND THRILLED that Aunt Jeri actually got in a swimming suit and then jumped in the pool!  She said that she hasn’t done that since her kids were little (which was at least 25 years ago).  She used to be on competitive city swim team.

P1070631After we swam for a few hours, we got out to eat some more food and then have dessert.  Mom had 5 of these pints of different types of Blue Bell ice cream.  We all grabbed a spoon, each took a pint, and then took a taste and passed the flavors around.  We all found our favorite and shared w/ each other.  It was so much fun!

P1070633 Maggie’s favorite part is when the ice cream gets melty around the edges.  We jokingly told her she should just drink it w/ a straw.  Well, we just happened to have one so she did!  LOL!

P1070637 We showed the Monzingos our spider and we wanted to feed her so they could see how she wraps up her food super fast.  We went out in the garden to try and find a grub or something but we couldn’t.  Mom found an earthworm (which is why there’s dirt under the green grub in the web), but the spider didn’t go for that and it eventually fell out of her web.  When Dad got home, he said he had a grub from the compost.  He put it in her web, but the spider didn’t even move an inch.  We were awed at how the grub had no idea how lucky it was.  We think the spider is probably dying, b/c she even fix her web when we took the grub out of the web.  Maybe she’s just hanging in there until her eggs all hatch.  The color on her abdomen has definitely dulled.

P1070639 There was a big rain storm, and the best thing to do on a rainy Saturday afternoon is to go see a movie.  Nick & Autumn & I went to see ParaNorman while Mom & Dad went and saw The Odd Life of Timothy Green.  I am sure they picked the better movie b/c I did NOT like ParaNorman!  It was really scary for little kids b/c they had zombies, a dead man that fell on a little boy, a scary witch, etc.  We came home and spent the rest of the evening watching the Cowboys game.  I’m SO HAPPY that football is back!

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