Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pizza Picnic At The Park

P1070957 Today on my lunch break I decided to check out Trader Joe’s b/c we just got a new one in our area and there’s been a lot of buzz about it.  I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I wasn’t impressed.  It was a junky little grocery store, although I do have to say that I loved the island feel of the store w/ all the hibiscus painted flowers on signs and walls.  I stopped a few of the workers and told them it was my first time there and asked what they would recommend that I should definitely try.  They all said, “everything here is good.”  Um…..ok.  Since I’m not going to buy everything in the store, I had to just pick some stuff on my own.  I got some overpriced pita chips, hummus dip, and a buffalo chicken wrap.  The food was all good, but nothing that I would rave about and have to have again.  I posted about this on Facebook and asked for suggestions from people that love Trader Joe’s on what their favorite foods were from there.  I guess I’ll have to give it one more try.

P1070962 Tonight after work I stopped and got pizza, crazy bread, & drinks.  Then I got Autumn from daycare and we had a pizza picnic at the park.  Autumn wasn’t interested in eating, she just wanted to run around and play.  We had fun playing around & taking pictures of our shadows.

P1070970 As you can see from her crazy hairdo, it was windy.  But, it was the perfect weather b/c it was pleasantly warm as well.

P1070976 Liz & Liberty & Jacob were meeting us at the park, but they were running late so we went ahead and ate w/out them.

P1070983 After Autumn’s tummy was full, she decided she wanted to be brave and run through the water rings.  The picture looks fuzzy b/c that’s mist that was making its way all the over to where I was sitting.  She looks like she’s doing the Heisman move. LOL!

P1070986 Neither of us realized just how much water was coming out of those misters, b/c she was soaked!  Since it was windy, she got really cold so I told her to run from one sidewalk to the other and I would time her w/ my phone.  That at least got her mind off of being cold.

P1070987 We noticed the moon was coming up, so I tried to get her to hold her hand where it would look like she was holding the moon.  This was the best I could get.  She kept putting her hand where she thought it needed to go, not where I needed it for the shot.  Oh, well.

P1070990 Once Liz & Liberty & Jacob got there she was so excited to play w/ Baby Jacob.  He’s gotten so big and is walking now!  Autumn was being so sweet and soft w/ him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.  As you can tell from Jacob’s expression, he wasn’t quite sure what to think.

2012.09.25Autumn wanted to use my camera to take some pictures.  Here’s a collage of the pictures she took.  I think she did a great job,and I love how she got some sun flare w/out even meaning to.  She likes to tell people to make silly faces.  We sat and talked while they ate, killed a few pesky bees that kept coming around, and then put all the stuff in my car so we could go watch the kids on the playground.  I feel like I haven’t seen them in such a long time, so it was good to catch up w/ each other.

We finally came home when it started getting dark and Autumn went into full melt down mode b/c she was beyond exhausted once she finally held still for 2 seconds.  I am proud to say I kept my cool and never raised my voice.  I was going to give her a shower b/c she was a stink bug Johnson, but it was all I could do to get her to take off her wet clothes so I could hang them up to dry.  It was a battle getting her to bed, but I finally got her to stay in her room and try to sleep.

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