Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Project Runway: Toilet Paper Style

P1080003 Tonight when I got Autumn after school she said she had something for me.  I guess they tried some different foods at school and talked about the different types of tastes like sweet, sour, etc.  She handed me a little piece of chocolate, and I popped it in my mouth.  I started chewing it and felt like throwing up.  I guess it was 100% baker’s chocolate.  It was disgusting!  Autumn was laughing her head off and thought it was the funniest thing ever.  She said she had a few Oreos left over from her snack at school, that she said she would share w/ me to get the nasty taste out of my mouth.  We were stopped at a stop sign and she said to turn around b/c she had something to show me.  She gave me this nasty Oreo smile.  We were laughing so hard.  I just love her so much!

P1080005 Mimi was gone when we got to her house, b/c she has been called to be the Wolf Den Leader.  We were all SHOCKED that she accepted that calling.  Tonight was her first meeting w/ the boys and she looked spiffy in her new Scout shirt.  Go, Mimi!

P1080006 I had to scarf down some dinner and then head off to Young Women’s.  It was a combined activity and we were in charge.  We had our own “Project Runway: TP (toilet paper) Style!”  We split all the girls up into 3 teams.  We gave them 15 minutes for each of the 3 categories (casual, formal, wedding).  In between each category we had the models come to the front to show off their creations and we also had them walk the runway.  We told them that all of their outfits had to modest, how important modesty is, and that modest clothes can still be fashionable.

P1080008 This is the group for the first category of casual wear.  We gave them toilet paper and 1 roll of black crepe paper and 1 roll of hot pink.

P1080012 This is the category of formal wear.  The girls were so creative.

P1080010 Hannah was dressed as a guy in a tuxedo, and they even gave her a moustache!  I was at a bad angle so it looks like one end of it is in her eye.  But I still had to post it b/c it was so creative and we were all laughing so hard.

P1080019 This is the round for the wedding dresses.  The two dresses on both ends were incredibly creative and actually really pretty.  The one in the middle made us laugh so much b/c she had so many streamers in her face that were supposed to look like her veil.  She reminded me of the bad octopus type guy on Pirates Of The Caribbean.  We ended up voting that the team on the far left won.

P1080013This is the wedding ring that the middle team came up with, which we loved.  This activity was a HUGE success.  It was great to mix up the groups and have some Beehives (12-13 year old girls), Mia Maids (14-15), and Laurels (16-17) girls in each group.  They interacted so well.  The girls that usually sit in the back and have a chip on their shoulders were so involved and were having a blast.  It was fun to see how creative the girls were.

For refreshments we had some pumpkin cookies b/c it’s officially fall now (even though it was still 94 degrees today).  After the activity, I thought of a cute idea for modesty refreshments.  We could have made sugar cookies and used a gingerbread man cookie cuter.  Then the girls could have used frosting and embellishments to create modest clothes for their sugar cookie doll.  Then we could of had little prizes for things like most modest, most fashionable, most creative, most colorful, etc.  We wouldn’t have had enough time for that tonight, so maybe we can do that for an activity some other time.  It was a fun night and the best part was seeing the girls interact w/ each other and how much fun they were having.

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