Sunday, November 11, 2012

Solitary Sunday

P1080473 Today was pretty good.  I got up at 9:00 & watched Joel Osteen, got cleaned up & ready for church, ate some breakfast, and then went to church.  It was so nice to sit quietly and listen to the talk w/ out any interruptions.  However, I did miss having my Autumn Girl there w/ me.  My lesson in Young Women’s about Courage To Try went really well.  We talked about what some of our fears are, 6 steps to gain courage, who some courageous women in the scriptures are, and then I ended by talking about the courage of Vashti & Esther.  I got my thoughts about them from this INCREDIBLE blog, “Women In The Scriptures.”  For the treat (b/c you KNOW I can’t give a lesson w/out a treat), I found some Scooby Doo pop rocks at the $1 Store and tied it in by saying that Scooby Doo is always fearful of things until he has his Scooby Snacks and those give him courage.  The 6 steps we talked about can be our “Scooby Snacks” to overcome fear and gain courage.  Kind of a cheesy tie-in, but it worked.

After church I saw Liz & Lib in the hall so I stopped to talk to them for a while.  Then I went and signed up for tithing settlement next week.  I didn’t leave until 2:40, which is unheard of b/c usually Autumn & I are out of there by 2:04 b/c we want to get home and eat.  LOL!  I came home, changed clothes, and then went over to Mom & Dad’s house.  I saw this beautiful fall leaf in my driveway and had to get a pic of it.  I love how it’s got the bright red & orange & yellow colors of fall but it also has some of the green left & it’s in the shape of the bottom half of a heart.

P1080476I made myself a sandwich w/ chips and dip and sat back and watched some TV while I edited pictures and worked on my blog.  Out of nowhere I got a rip roaring headache, so I took some medicine and rested for a while.  Nick came over after church and we had Hamburger helper & tater tots w/ pink sauce for dinner (healthy, I know), but we had a hankerin’ & you can’t deny a hankerin’.  While we were eating, we heard a knock at the door.  It was the Sister missionaries and they had been in the area and just stopped by to say hi.  We sat and talked for a while and they shared a message and then left.  I am eternally thankful that I served a mission, and seeing them reminded me of how hard it can be sometimes, but that it’s worth it!

P1080481 Nick & I fired up the XBox after they left and worked off the calories from dinner.  Mom & Dad & Autumn got home from Austin and we talked Dad into joining us.  He beat us all on his very first dance!!!

P1080490 This one of Dad & Autumn cracks me up b/c they were doing a salsa-type duet.  It was a lot of fun and we were all out of breath by the time we were done.  It was already 8:30, so Autumn & I packed up and came home.  I opened the windows in my room b/c it was so nice and cold outside and I like to air out the house every once in a while.  Plus, it’s fun to have it cold in the room and be all snuggly and warm under heavy covers.  I was going to stay up and get some stuff done, but I was so tired for some reason, so I went to bed at 9:00 w/ Autumn.  I’m so glad they are home safe & sound.

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