Thursday, December 27, 2012

McDonald’s And Les Mis

P1080769 Even though the snow melted off most of the roads, you can see from these handprints in the snow that we still had quite a bit that hung around b/c it never got out of the 30’s yesterday.  We got our White Christmas and are ready for it to melt off now.

DSCN3512 Dad found this big killer icicle hanging from the side of the house and brought it in for the kids to hold and look at.

DSCN3519 Since Autumn still has croup, she stayed w/ Mom & Dad again.  Mom gave her a bath and cut her bangs and even had time to read books.  She’s such a good Mimi and I’m so thankful to have Mom & Dad to help me out!

P1080772 I wanted to get a picture of all the Christmas cards we got at work.

P1080774 Mom called when I was on my way home from work and said that they all had cabin fever and wanted to get out of the house so they were going to McDonald’s and to come meet them there.  We let the kids run around and they had a lot of fun.

P1080777Then Mom surprised Lexie and I and said she would take the kids home and put them to bed so we could go see Les Mis!  It was SOOO GOOD, and I was especially impressed w/ Anne Hathaway.  I had no idea she could sing like that. Hugh Jackman was phenomenal.  I really liked how the acting gave a completely different feel to the story than the play does.  A lot of the storyline flowed together so much better for me.  I’m glad Lexie & I got to see that together and have some sister time.

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