Thursday, April 11, 2013

Billy’s Baptism

P1090611 Today after work, we had a Chick-fil-A coupon from Autumn’s school for a free kid’s meal that we needed to use, so we went there for dinner.  I LOVE their Polynesian sauce!  This 3D book w/ glasses was in the kid’s meal and Autumn thought it was so cool how some of the objects would “float” on the page.

P1090612 We rushed home and checked the mail and Autumn was so excited that she had a special note from Aunt Lexie that had this really cool friendship bracelet in it.  Aunt Lexie’s the best!

IMG_9197 We rushed over to the church for Billy’s baptism.  The missionaries were knocking on doors a month ago in Billy’s neighborhood and he was sitting out on is porch.  They started talking to him, he felt the Spirit, they taught him all the discussions, and a month later (tonight) he got baptized!  When they were teaching him, they asked him if he knew any members of the church and he said he knew Curt, who used to be his hockey coach (Curt’s wearing his hockey tie)!  The Spirit was so strong in the meeting and we’re so excited and happy for Billy.  I felt so bad that none of his family or friends were there to support him, b/c he’s such a neat kid!

IMG_9224 It’s such a small Mormon world, b/c this missionary grew up in a small Utah town where my Aunt & Uncle are!  He knows them really well.  I love making connections like that.

IMG_9228By the time Autumn & I got home, it was 9:00.  I was putting her to bed when we heard a knock on the door.  It was my friend Lisa, who had brought by all these flowers that I bought from her online store.  She makes them and had them on sale for 50 cents or $1!!!  She was so sweet and even gave us some extras.  She was in town visiting her family, so she just dropped them off instead of mailing them!  We’re all stocked up on cute flowers for Autumn’s hair.

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