Saturday, June 29, 2013

A Bridal Shower & Broken Sunglasses

IMG_9748 This morning, Autumn & I got up and got ready for the day and went over to Mom & Dad’s house.  Autumn went straight over to the living room, got a Dr. Seuss book, and sat down on the floor next to Emma & started reading to her.  Too cute…although Emma doesn’t seem too interested in looking at the pictures.

IMG_9749 Mom & I left to go over to Karri’s b/c she was hosting a bridal shower for Kelsey.  Mom brought 4 dozen deviled eggs, and they were gone so fast.  They’re always such a hit.  Karri, Mary, & Melanie did such a great job putting the bridal shower together.  I love them so much!

IMG_9750 There was such a huge turn out, and it was fun to see a bunch of ladies that I haven’t seen in a while.

IMG_1084 Mom & I had to leave early b/c she had a date w/ Dad.  They went to the movies and out to lunch.  I mowed the front lawn & then Autumn & I went swimming.  My cheap $1 store sunglasses broke & Autumn insisted on wearing them even though they were broken.  We were both laughing so hard b/c they kept slipping off her nose and she was saying it was hard to breathe out of that nostril.  What a kid.  I just love her so much.  We had fun swimming w/ just the 2 of us and playing games.

I cleaned up Mom & Dad’s kitchen and we finally left at 6:30 and went and got some Little Caesar’s pizza & crazy bread.  We came home, had a pizza picnic on the living room floor, watched Mama Mia, and then Autumn went to bed.  We missed our city’s 4th of July fireworks (we celebrate the weekend before the 4th of July), b/c Autumn was asleep.  I thought I might be able to see them from my driveway, but I couldn’t see anything.  I just stood outside and listened to the booms for a little bit.  It was a great Saturday.

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