Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Curt & Rufio

P1100170 As soon as Autumn & I got over to Mom & Dad’s house tonight, I got right to work helping Mom get dinner ready.  Yesterday she had invited Curt & Mary & crew over for dinner tonight.  Curt came over early so he could tease Rufio & give her a hug & kiss.  She was freaking out that he was nuzzling in her neck & rubbing her back…2 things she does NOT like at all.

P1100171 He’s always so cute w/ her & tells her if anything happens to Mary, he’ll marry Rufio.  His shirt was all wet b/c it had been raining cats & dogs.  I am LOVING this rainy weather we’ve had for the past few days.  We need the rain & it’s kept the temperatures in the 70’s!

P1100172The rest of the crew showed up (Mary, Jake, Jessie, Brianne & Scott) and we had shoyu chicken, spinach dip, & sautéed veggies from the garden.  DELICIOUS!  We had 11 people there & had to put the leaf extenders in the table.  It’s so fun to have family & friends gathered around the kitchen table to share good food & conversation.  That’s something Mom & Dad have been so good about doing…having sit down meals together as a family.  It’s something I cherish & am glad that Autumn’s getting to experience.

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