Saturday, July 13, 2013

Faith & Family & Friends

Today was so wonderful, even though my body woke up at 7:30 am when it could have slept in.  Oh, well…it must have known what a great day we had in store and wanted to get a head start.  I had my left over Cafe Rio tortilla & creamy dressing for breakfast (SO GOOD) while talking to Aunt Jill.  Then I got cleaned up and went and visited w/ Aunt Jeri & Rufio.  I met up w/ Jason & Nicole b/c they had a present to give me for Autumn, plus I wanted to meet Baby Marion.  It was so fun to hold her & kiss her sweet baby cheeks.  We visited for just a few minutes and then I had to leave so I could go visit Grandpa Johnson.  I got a family picture of them, but the sun was too bright & everyone’s eyes were shut, so I won’t post it.

I was glad that Grandpa was home, b/c I didn’t call before I went over.  We sat and visited for about an hour, and we both cried a few times.  He talked about how much he misses Grandma Johnson.  It’s hard to explain, but there was a very sacred feeling in the room & the Spirit was very strong.  It was a neat experience to spend time w/ him.

IMG_9805 After that I drove up to visit Ashley & her cute family.  Bianca is just so adorable & Quincy is a handsome little guy.  She made an amazing chicken tortilla soup & we even had smoothies to drink.  But the best part was just getting to sit and talk and catch up on each other’s lives.  I had to post this even though Jake’s eyes are closed (sorry, Jake) b/c of the AWESOME sparkle off of Bianca’s glove.  She put those on special just for the picture.

IMG_9806 It was so sweet b/c Bianca gave me an extra big hug before I left so I could give some of it to Autumn.  I’m sad that we don’t live closer so that the girls could get together and have play dates.  I guess they’ll just have to come & visit us in Texas again.

P1100159 After all the fun w/ them, I drove up to Draper & went to the Sweet Tooth Fairy shop & got some cake pops to share w/ Brenner & Jonesy.  I went to Jonsey’s house & got to spend a few minutes w/ her 2 oldest girls while she finished getting ready.  They were so cute and it’s crazy how much they’ve grown up since I saw them last year.  We met up w/ Brenner at a swanky boutique that does pedicures AND sells shoes & cute clothes!  I adore that wall paper behind us.  It was so fun to sit and visit and get pampered while eating cake balls.  This is the life!!!

P1100163 Here’s our post-pedi pic.  Can you guess who’s feet are who’s?

P1100160 One of the ladies doing our pedicures suggested we try a place called State Street Grill b/c they have super good onion rings.  The onion rings were good, but the fries were WAY too greasy.  But none of that mattered, b/c I was just happy to spend time w/ my Sestri.

1016932_10201136376747733_1538433261_n This is grainy, b/c I stole it off of Brenner’s facebook page.  We sat and talked for about 2 hours, but it only felt like a few minutes.  I can’t even put into words what these 2 incredible women mean to me.  Our friendship is one of those where we can go a whole year w/out talking, but we pick up right where we left off.  At one point I got teary eyed (I’m so emotional today) b/c I feel such love for these 2.  We shared our struggles, we laughed, we cried, and we became even closer.  I love friends like this where we can be ourselves & share our innermost souls & know it’s a soft & safe place to land.

P1100165 Sadly, we had to say our good byes & part ways.  I had to get a pic of this GORGEOUS flower in Jonesy’s front yard.  I came back to Rufio’s and said hi to Aunt Jill & Uncle Rick for a little bit.  Then I went around to Rufio’s apartment and talked and laughed w/ her & Aunt Jeri.  At 9:15 we watched Perry Mason & then called it a night so we can get up & be to church at 9:00 tomorrow.

I had so much fun today, but also missed my Autumn Girl.  The day got away from me & it was too late for me to call and talk to her by the time I got a second to stop.  Her little voice sounds so sweet & loving & innocent over the phone.  But, I didn’t worry about her at all b/c I know she’s in good hands.  It will be great to see her tomorrow.

Today was so incredibly wonderful.  Words fail me on such deep & spiritual bonds & connections.  My cup runneth over w/ blessings b/c of the family & friends I have been blessed with.


Jen T said...

What a great trip! Love all your photos! Onion rings are the best!

Ash said...

We loved seeing you! Bianca is still talking about it. Just remind me to not slouch on the couch next time we take pictures :) LOVES!